Az ostobaságot semmilyen szinten nem bírom, mint ahogyan nem bírom a gőgös, nagyképű cionistákat sem.
Nekik is szól ez az anyag.
A mi utunk!!!
Izraelben született de szégyelli cionista útlevelét.
Avraham Greenberg rabi elégeti izraeli útlevelét tiltakozásul a Gázai palesztinok lemészárlásáért egy a IHRC által szervezett a cionisták elleni tüntetésen a Trafalgar Squaren, 2009 januárjában.
Born in Israel but ashamed of his zionist passport, Rabbi Avraham Greenberg burns his Israeli passport in protest at the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza at a counter-demo organised by the Islamic Human Rights Commission opposing a zionist rally in Trafalgar Square on January 2009.
Rabbi Beck translated the words of Rabbi Avraham Greenberg, saying he felt ashamed to hold an Israeli passport. He also said:
"The zionists destroyed the good harmony that we had together with Muslims. We used to live in harmony and peace with the Muslims all over the world, even today Jews live in Iran, in Algeria, in Tunisia, in Yemen peacefully. The only problem the Jews have is in the state of Israel. Zionists proclaim they want to make a safe haven for Jews. The most dangerous place for Jews today is in the state of Israel. Jews can live much better, much safer, in all the Muslim countries - like Morocco, like Iran..
Its true today we have terrorists, but the terrorists are the zionists not the Muslims.."
After burning the passport the rabbis spit on its remains to cheers from the crowd "Judaism here to stay, Zionism no way". Massoud Shadjareh, the chair of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, and Rabbi Beck embraced each other and together with the crowd chanted "We are all Palestinians" in reply to Rabbi Avraham Greenberg who had wished that one day, after the demise of Israel, he may acquire a Palestinian passport.
Then Rabbi Beck lead the crowds in the chant "Judaism YES, Zionism NO, the state of Israel must GO"
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