2008. július 26., szombat
Najmányi László: Free Tibet
Sok száz évvel ezelőtt, Sera monostorában született a jóslat, amely szerint ha megjelenik egy üstökös, amely Lasszából, Sigatszéből és Giantszéből, Tibet három szent városából egyforma fényességgel látható, és ha megmozdul egy hegy és a Tszangpo folyó elhagyja medrét és más irányban folyik tovább, az országot elfoglalja a terror és a Dalai Lámák örökösödési vonala véget ér.
1948 októberében üstökös jelent meg Tibet egén, nagy riadalmat okozva Lasszában, Sigatszében és Giantszében. Nem sokkal később hatalmas földrengés rázta meg a Himalája hegyeit. A földrengés következtében egy hegy a Tszangpo folyóba csúszott, amely elhagyni kényszerült medrét és attól nyolc mérfölddel távolabb, más irányba folyt tovább.
A kínaiak ismerték a jóslatot és a tibetiek jóslatokat tisztelő lelkületét. Amikor értesültek a Tibetben zajló természeti eseményekről, Mao Ce Tung parancsára hadseregük elindult Tibet irányába. A Vas â013 Tigris éve nyolcadik hónapjának első hetében, 1950 októberében elfoglalták az országot. A kínai diktátor nem tűrte, hogy ateista ideológiájának ellenpontjaként egy vallásos hagyományok alapján működő ország létezzen birodalma határain.
A terror évtizedei következtek. Szerzetesek és megerőszakolt apácák tízezreit ölték meg a kínai katonák, ezreket közülük keresztre feszítéssel. Csaknem másfél millió tibetit gyilkoltak meg az etnikai tisztogatások során. Százezreket zártak koncentrációs táborokba. Csaknem egy millió tibeti menekült Indiába. Az ország területének kétharmadát beolvasztották más kínai tartományokba.
1959-ben lázadás tört ki a megszállók ellen. A kínai hadsereg brutális kegyetlenséggel verte le a lázadást. Tibet politikai és lelki vezetője, a Dalai Láma Indiába menekült, ahonnan mindmáig nem térhetett vissza hazájába. A kínaiak helyettesét, a Pancsen Lámát nevezték ki a megcsonkított ország névleges vezetőjéül. Amikor a Pancsen Láma 1989-ben, egy nyilatkozatában elítélte a megszállókat, meggyilkolták. A Kulturális Forradalom évei alatt Tibet 6000 kolostora közül 13 kivételével az összest lerombolták. A bennük őrzött, felbecsülhetetlen értékű írásos emlékek, kegytárgyak, műkincsek nagy részét megsemmisítették.
1995 májusában tanácsadói javaslatára a száműzött Dalai Láma az akkor 6 éves Gedhun Csoekji Nyimát választotta a meggyilkolt Pancsen Láma utódjául. A kínai kormány nem fogadta el választását. Néhány hónappal később a Vallásügyi Hivatal az ugyancsak 6 éves Gyainkain Norbut nevezte ki Pancsen Lámának. A Dalai Láma választottját családjával együtt elrabolták és azóta is ismeretlen helyen őrzik.
A tibeti hagyományok szerint az egymást követő Dalai Lámák ugyanannak a léleknek, a Tibetben Csenrézinek nevezett Avalokitásvarának, az együttérzés bódiszattvájának megtestesülései. A bódiszattvák olyan megvilágosult lelkek, akik saját nirvánájukat elhalasztva a földi újjászületést választották azért, hogy az emberiséget szolgálják. A kínai kormány meg akarja akadályozni, hogy a következő Dalai Lámát a száműzetésben lévő tibeti vallási vezetők válasszák, ezért törvényben tiltották be a reinkarnációt. Ragaszkodnak ahhoz, hogy Tibet vallási vezetőit a kínai kommunista párt nevezze ki.
Tibet vallási hagyományokon alapuló, évszázadok óta harmonikusan működő társadalmi rendjét szétzúzták. A meggyilkolt, elűzött, Kína távoli tartományaiba telepített tibetiek helyére kínaiak tömegeit költöztették. A tibetiek az ország számos területén ma már másodrendű állampolgárokként kezelt, etnikai kisebbségnek számítanak. A tibeti nyelv használatát és az ország hagyományainak tanulmányozását betiltották. A kínai kormány szabja meg a kolostorokban élő szerzetesek számát.
2008 márciusában polgári jogokat és az ország függetlenségét követelő tüntetések kezdődtek Tibetben és Kína számos más tartományában. A tüntetések leverésére a rendőrség mellett bevetették a hadsereget is. Tibetből és a környező tartományokból kitiltották a nyugati turistákat és újságírókat. Az országot hermetikusan lezárták, kikapcsolták az Internet szolgáltatást is. A kiszivárgott hírek szerint százak estek a sortüzek áldozatául és ezreket börtönöztek be. Az elfogottakat megkínozzák, hogy kicsikarják belőlük a tüntetések szervezőinek, résztvevőinek nevét.
A tüntetések szervezésével az olimpiai játékokra készülő kínai kormány a Dalai Lámát vádolja. Tibet száműzött vezetője tagadja, hogy bármi köze lenne a megmozdulások szervezéséhez és felajánlotta lemondását, ha az erőszakos cselekmények folytatódnak. Míg a tüntetők Tibet függetlenségét és az olimpiai játékok nemzetközi bojkottját követelik, a Dalai Láma csak tényleges autonómiát kér országának, és javasolja az olimpiai játékok megtartását.
Amíg a nyugati országok kormányainak többsége tartózkodik a kínai kormány tetteinek határozott elítélésétől, és a Nemzetközi Olimpiai Bizottság nem akarja bojkottálni a pekingi olimpiát, a világ számos országában tiltakozó megmozdulásokat szervez az egyre erősödő Free Tibet mozgalom. Szabadságot Tibetnek!
Mi nem felejtünk!
Srebrenica, Bosznia és Hercegovina, Európa, 1995 július
Újratemetés...évekkel később
2008. július 25., péntek
Figyelem! Rádióműsor, Szombat, 09:00-10:00 a Lánchíd Rádióban
Riport véghezvitt kezdeményezésünkről
Lánchíd Rádióban
Riportműsor a Kárpát-medencéből
szombat 09:00–10:00
Ismétlés: vasárnap 19:05-19:55
Érdekes beszéd 1961-ből...Egy zsidó disszidens inti Amerikát.
Zsidó családban nőtt fel és zsidó vallás szerinti nevelésben részesült. Üzleti karrierje során ő lett a Woodbury Soap Company cég fő tulajdonosa. Tanúja volt és bizonyos fokig közvetlen résztvevője azoknak a politikai és pénzügyi manipulációknak, amelyek elősegítették a kommunizmus hatalomra kerülését és Izrael, mint cionista állam létrehozását, valamint az amerikai politikai élet és tömegtájékoztatás zsidó hegemónia alá kerülését. Mint a zsidó érdekek képviselője bejárása volt az Egyesült Államok hét elnökéhez.
Szakított a judaizmussal, és áttért a katolikus hitre. A zsidó történelemben és kultúrában szerzett jártassága és kutatásai eredményeként arra a meggyőződésre jutott, hogy a zsidókra és a judaizmusra vonatkozó közkeletű elképzelések részben tévesek, és még magukat ezeket a kifejezéseket is el kell utasítani.
II. rész
III. rész
IV. rész
Ennek az adásnak a kazettája 12.95$-ért kapható (postaköltséggel együtt) a következő címen: National Vanguard Books P.O. Box 330 Hillsboro, WV 24946
Benjamin G. Freedman in the Wikipedia
2008. július 24., csütörtök
Czike László: Magyarország újrafelosztása
Előre bocsátom, hogy most „kapitális baromságokat” fogok leírni.
Hogy miért? Egyrészt, mert ha már az ország (és persze a globalizált világ) mindenkori-mai vezetőinek „van joguk” reggeltől estig, (mi több, éjjel is!) kapitális baromságokat mondani, nyilatkozni, s főleg cselekedni, akkor miért ne lenne nekem, egyszerű – amúgyis a közélet szinte minden területén deklaráltan felesleges – közállampolgárnak is jogom ugyanezt tenni? Bőven van kiket majmolnom! Másrészt pedig alapvető, íratlan, megelőző egészség-védelmi szabály, hogy ami az emberből hirtelen kikívánkozik, nos, azt bizony célszerű mielőbb kiengedni, mert a tartós visszatartás súlyos következményekkel – pl. felfúvódás, bélcsavarodás – is járhat.
A „fáradt gőzt” tehát ki kell engedni.
Dél van.
Hallgatom valamelyik kereskedelmi rádiót, amelyik éppen azt magyarázza - szerintem nagyjából 2 éve -: miért is kell mindenáron megakadályoznunk, hogy a bécsi OMV felvásárolja a pesti MOL-t. Beszél a keleteurópai piac egyensúlyának megbomlásáról, nemkívánatos monopolhelyzet kialakulásának veszélyéről, osztrák birodalomépítő hátsó szándékokról – édes Istenem, mintha nem ez lenne a (nemzetközi, globalizált, spekulatív, derivált, damned, mi több, fucking tőke szerves természete! -, s közgazdasági érvekről, nota bene csak arról nem, mikor lesz olcsóbb az a rohadt benzin. Hogy a MOL a mi kis (nagy) legféltettebb nemzeti kincsünk, ezért szent, hazafias kötelességünk az OMV ellenséges kivásárló hajlamát „leépítenünk”, s megakadályoznunk, hogy a MOL részvényei az osztrák cég tulajdonába kerüljenek. Mert az OMV: ellenségünk!
Nem akarunk több(é) osztrák naftát tankolni, inkább a halál!
Töprengek nagyon, mi a franc lehet emögött a már-már paranoiás rettegés mögött? A labancok most a mi benzinünket, olajunkat is le akarják nyúlni, hogy aztán Habsburg Ottó révén újra a (túl)éléskamrájukká aljasítsák hazánkat és a hátunkra kapaszkodva újra-szervezzék, visszaállítsák az EU romjaiból a szent Monarchiát?
Sejtik ezt vajon: Blair, Putyin, Rasmussen, és a többiek?
Megvallom őszintén azt is – lehet, hogy ez már egyenesen polgárpukkasztás! -, hogy ez a hülye molrészvény-ügy (ami nyilván átlátszó, ostoba ürügyként csak arra való, hogy a megtéveszthetőknek szájába rágja: Gyurcsány Ferenc mélyen nemzeti érzelmű, sőt, nagyformátumú európai, globális közgazdasági gondolkodó, netán filozófus, akinek egyaránt szívügye a liberális demokrata Európa, s benne a kis Magyarország, a Harmadik Köztársaság, hisz’ megőrzi magyarnak a „nemzeti” MOL-t!) számomra is csak ürügy…
Ürügy, hogy allegorizálhassak egy magasabb célért.
Hogy kiterebélyesedhessék a nagy nemzeti persziflázs, de persze anélkül, hogy magasabb érdekek ütközőpontjává, homokzsákjává válnánk, amelyet először felpofoznak, aztán kidobnak valamelyik gárda szemétdombjára.
Nem mindegy-e, hogy a MOL Rt. „magyar nemzeti” részvénytársaságként, vagy szupranacionális multiként hízik-e vastagra a mi igencsak vékony büdzsénk és bukszánk terhére? Nem mindegy-e, hogy a Kék Áramlat, vagy a Nabucco felsteigerolt árain érkező olaj derivatíváit milyen zászló alatt égetik szmoggá a „magyar” légtérben Trabantok és Gripenek? Árpádsávosok vagy kékcsillagosok?
A globális világállam uniformisos vagy uniformizált katonái?
Helikopterszemlélettel közelítve a kérdést – tök mindegy.
Osszuk fel az egész kócerájt, legitimálva a tényeket.
Elöljáróban utalok arra, hogy egyfajta felosztás már a Rózsadombi Paktum szövegében – a legfontosabb pontjaiban – felismerhető. Az egyszeri magyar – akár eredetiben olvashatta, akár a KAPU-ban – mindjárt azt gondolta: na itten szokás szerint kiegyeztek egymással a nép feje felett a külföldi titkosszolgálatok és a belföldi ügynökvezérek, az igazhitű s nem igazhitű egyházak, a szabadkőművesség és az ÁVH maradványának képviselői, egy bizonyos Jóska bácsi szállásadó jelenlétében, aki valószínűleg a világegyetemes Jóisten, más szóval a Nagy Építőmester rezidense lehetett, már így retrospektív megközelítéssel. Akkor nem tudtuk.
Nehogy baj legyen a nagy rendszerváltozásból…
Nos, hát ugye, a nevezetes paktum nemcsak azért született, hogy Boross Péter és Pető Iván (a Nagy Kelet és a Kárpitosok Szövetsége) örök kényszer-frigyre lépjenek egymással - amely kötelezettség most Orbánra és Fodorra látszik, mintha (looks like) szakrális békegalamb lenne alászállni -, hanem elsősorban távlati, stratégiai nemzetközi érdekből kifolyólag. Mármint, hogy jóelőre le kellett vajazni, mi legyen itten perspektivikusan a társadalmi tulajdonnal (ma nemzeti működő tőkének hívnák, ha szőrén-szálán nem tűnt volna el), az állammal, a szövetségi rendszerekkel, az átörökölt „jogfolytonos” és újkeletű adósságfizetéssel a vörös cégérnek és különböző nevű, de közös gyökerű bankjainak, a liberális demokratává átvedlett régi/új elittel, a politikával.
Mivel a Szabad Kezdeményezések Hálózatának írásban terjesztett félrevezető tézisei többek között a svájci típusú semlegesség megvalósítását is célul tűzték ki – ’56 eszméihez akartak, ki tudja, miért, hűnek látszani? -, kellett egy minden fontos kérdést összefogóan rendező paktum, mely egyszer s mindenkorra lefogja az álmodozók kezét (később a szemét is), nehogy valaki azt higgye, eljött végre a szavak és a tettek egységének várva várt aranykora.
Mert nem jött el. ’48 és ’56 pusztába kiáltott sóhaj maradt.
Köztársasági jelkép, induló - béna-kacsa államfőknek…
A kollaboráns elitnek beavatás a „lovagrendek”-ben.
A népnek meg tisztavatás a televízióban.
Emlékeznek még szépemlékű John Lennon evergreen dalára?
„Power to the people! – Hatalmat a népnek!” – volt a címe.
Hát Magyarországon a legkevésbé sem erről volt szó…
1. A bukott rendszer vezetői volt politikai hatalmukat a rendszerváltással gazdasági hatalomra, pénzre és portfolióra váltják. Pártvezetőkből közép-és nagytőkések, a multik szálláscsinálói lesznek. Majd 12 év elteltével a teljes politikai végrehajtást is visszakapták.
2. A társadalmi tulajdonból a népet kisemmizik, és a profittermelő nemzeti vagyont fillérekért átadják a multinacionális tőkének, pro forma, az előző rendszerben rekonstruálhatatlan körülmények között felhalmozott „államadósság” fejében. Menetközben ez a tézis – evés közben jön meg az étvágy! – megváltozott. A vagyon eltűnt, az adósság pedig fennmaradt, mi több megtízszereződött.
3. A törvényhozás, a pénzügyek, a jogalkalmazás és a rendészet mindvégig (reform)kommunista kézben marad. (Mert nem volt elég Nathan Rothschild híres mondását: „Adjátok nekem egy ország pénzügyeit, s nem érdekel, kik hozzák a törvényeket!” – megvalósítani, biztos, ami biztos, a törvényhozás is kellett.)
4. A nagypolitika irányultsága orosz, a piac és az üzlet amerikai hitbizomány – minden ellenkező, vagy kombinált látszat ellenére.
Minden paktumos tudta: az Európai Unió csak gittegylet.
Az első leosztás alapján kialakult status quo egyfajta nemzetközi bazár „plurális” jellegét mutatja, amelyben minden valamirevaló náció megtalálta a számításait; épp’ csak a bennszülöttek lógnak ki az egyébként harmonikus, konszolidált és békés összképből.
Mármost, ha így van – márpedig így van! -, akkor hát miért is kell, miért is kellene elkendőznünk, takargatnunk az igazságot, mintha mindenáron ragaszkodnánk a paranoid-skizofrén, hazug, álszent életmódhoz, amelyben a szavak mind eredeti jelentésük ellenkezőjét, vagy már azt sem jelentik, amelyben a közbeszéd csak odavissza kódolt-dekódolt hamisságok és nonszenszek cifra formájában „működik”, pusztán azért, hogy minden eredeti és saját bűn fedett maradhasson, míg csak parlagfű nő a Kárpát-medencében? Azért, hogy egyetlen kóbor csirkefogó önérzetén se eshessék, még a legapróbb csorba – innuendo? – sem. Számomra rendkívül furcsa, hogy még az ügynök-rendszerváltás egyetlen – és önmagában rendkívül kétes értékű! – „vívmányát” sem engedjük maradéktalanul érvényre jutni; nevezetesen, hogy ha már úgyis elment minden hajó, hát legalább őszintén kimondhassuk, megbeszélhessük, mi is történt velünk a szólás-és cselekvésszabadság ígért kivívása helyett. Hogy hová lett a pénz, az igazság, a szabadság, s a becsület.
Mert mindez eltűnt, mintha csak leradírozták volna a térképről.
A tényeken úgysem változtatna, ha legalább megbeszélhetnénk!
Anélkül, hogy báránynak látszó farkasok (3) fenyegethetnének.
Adjunk oda mindent annak, azoknak, akié-akiké – amúgy is.
Hiszen Jézus is ezt tanította: oszd szét minden vagyonodat.
Kezdjük a 4 pontban foglalt posztulátumok legvégén.
A nagypolitikai hatalmat
Én az oroszoknak adnám, hiszen ma is olyan jól bánnak vele.
Mert úgyis az övék, hiszen Kelet-Európa mindig is az oroszok befolyási övezete volt, s ezen nem változtatott semmit, sem a NATO-ba, sem az Európai Unióba történt kényszerű beléptetésünk. Az előbbit soványka 49,12 %-os részvétellel – a törvény az év végéig még minimum 50 %-ot írt elő! - sikerült abszolválnunk, utóbbit pedig afféle csordaeffektusnak is tekinthetjük, hisz’ az úniós jogszabályokat, normákat sem ismeri egyetlen közmagyar sem, nemhogy az inkriminált lisszaboni szerződést. Nem beszélve az Atlanti Paktum, az Atlanti Szövetség, az Atlanti Tanács – the truth, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind – valós nemzetközi szerepéről, amely messze túlmutat az úniós, sőt, a globális „demokratikus” határokon is. Szóval, hiába ragasztotta ki az MDF 1990-ben szinte mindenhova, hogy „továriscsi konyec”, valójában semminek nem lett konyec, csak a nemzeti vagyonunknak, a létbiztonságunknak és az egészségbiztosításunknak. Mellesleg az orosz megszálló csapatok is itt maradtak, még jó 1 évig, miután lezajlottak az első „szabad” választások, amelyen az MDF-SZDSZ paktum, az illuminált globális hatalom kettős janus-arca fényes győzelmet aratott Magyarország és a józan ész felett. Gondoljuk csak meg: Oroszország is deklaráltan a NATO-ba igyekszik, miközben paranoiásan retteg az amerikaiak rakétaelfogó rakétarendszer és radarállomás telepítéseitől, közvetlenül a határai előtt, mellesleg Európa szívében. A szeretet és a gyűlölet néha rokon érzelmek, mint tudjuk. Nos, úgy látom, sokkal inkább szemfényvesztés ez az egész. A csak későn, vagy soha ki nem derülő titkos paktumok – vö. pl. a máltaival - jellemzik az egész világpolitikát, akkor hát miért csodálkozunk, ha a belpolitikánkat is áthatja? „A világ a titok által létezik.” (Zóhár)
A politikusok csak bohócok, nem a történelem producerei.
De van még egy megfellebbezhetetlen, specifikus érvem is az oroszok mellett. Röviden: Gyurcsány Ferenc és aprócska, de hatékony klánja. Cáfoljon meg valaki, ha tud. Hisz’ még Orbán, Antall örököse is csak szeretetcsomagokért megy választások előtt nyugatra meg délre; az olajat ő is Keletről hozatja, illetve önti a tűzre…
Oroszország európai és hazai befolyása újra növekszik.
Majd Gyurcsányé is, a Gazprom révén.
Távlatban létrejöhet egy Párizs-Berlin-Moszkva tengely.
A tengely a későbbiekben kibővülhet Kína, India, Pakisztán, a két Korea, Malajzia (a Kis Tigrisek), Japán és az arab világ részvételével. Csak így jöhet létre az a globális ellenerő, mely potenciálisan megtörheti az USA világhatalmi (pénzügyi és katonai) monopóliumát, a judeo-angolszász üzleti, kulturális, vallási és lifestyle világhegemóniát. A monopóliumot, mely egyrészt a világpénz, a dollárfétis, a Mammon-aranyborjú pogány imádatára, másrészt viszont egy olyan „Messiás”-ra vár, aki itt, a Földön teremtené meg a kiválasztottak mennyei királyságát. A hegemóniát, amely az USA-dollárra, a politikai neokonzervativizmusra - ami a keresztény cionizmus szinonimája -, vallási tekintetben pedig a szabadkőműves „egyenvallásra”, az Antikrisztus felemelkedésének várására épül.
Aki talán Tony Blair lehet, az Európai Unió „királyaként”.
Reá épülhet az a perszonálunió, amely az egykor volt császárság késői utánérzése lehet. És akkor a földi hatalomhoz megszerezheti a pápai trónt is, hogy beteljesítse Nostradamus szörnyű jóslatát.
Meg kellene vizsgálni e tekintetben a Meroving vérvonalat…
Vajon Blair nem Sinclair-e, vagy maga, Simon Templar?!
De az is lehet, hogy Tony Blair „csak” a megelőző próféta szálláscsináló (királycsináló) szerepét tölti majd be, így a Szakrális Király egy „reinkarnált Dávid” lehet, például Viktor révén a Vörös Cégér egyik legifjabb hajtása.
Az üzleti és a mindenfajta piacot
Az amerikaiaknak adnám, hiszen ők „értenek” hozzá a legjobban; és hát egyébként is ”az övék” a globalizált pénz-és kereskedelmi világpiac. A világpiac, ahol ma sem euróval, hanem dollárral hiteleznek és fizetnek. Ha pénteken nem küldenek nekünk fiktív, virtuális, ám nagyon is valóságosan visszafizetendő elektronikus dollárhitelt, akkor még hétfőn sem lesz nyugdíjfizetés.
Európa is csak az egyesült Rothschild-Rockefeller dinasztia, illetve világkonszern provinciális-perifériális leányvállalata. Hiába is álmodozik a mi Sándorgyurink arról, hogy egyszer majd ő itt mond valamit, és az majd ott, Amerikában valósul meg. Az utasítások és az ajánlások iránya éppen fordított – más kérdés, hogy ilyen távolságból a dollár az egyetlen „ellenszer” az orosz medve lihegésével szemben. Egyszer csak fúj egyet, s a kis hamis dollárkötegeket elfújja a semmiből hirtelen támadt orosz forgószél…
Az ingatlan és pénzpiacot, a bankokat, a médiát, a kultúrát és a belbiztonsági szolgálatot - mivel ők értenek a legjobban hozzá - a zsidóknak adnám, persze szerves egységben a globalizált világpiac minden más területével, és természetesen az angolszász birodalmi törekvésekkel, hiszen egyszerre pendül, ugyanaz a (Ben) húr. Mivel Ariel Sharon, Izrael miniszterelnöke több ízben és összefüggésben is leszögezte már, kik is irányítják az amerikai Kongresszust; mi több, nemrégiben Simon Perez államfő oly’ nagy gazdagságról, tehetősségről beszélt, ami lehetővé teszi, hogy népe – nemzete, állama, mit tudom én, mije, stb. – cashből megvásárolhassa Manhattant, Lengyelországot és Magyarországot. El lehetne gondolkozni rajta, mi a fenének vesz meg valaki valamit, ami már régen az övé, de mindegy – ez még mindig jobb, hogy fizetnek érte, értünk, hiszen annak idején a tatárok, a törökök, az osztrákok, a németek és az oroszok egyszerűen elvették, ami kellett nekik, még a lányaink szüzességét, asszonyaink becsületét is, fizetség nélkül.
Szóval – az a lényeg, hogy ha már megvesznek bennünket kilóra, a jobbikok vegyenek meg minket, és ne a rosszabbikok. Olyanok vegyenek meg, akik értenek az üzlethez, teli vannak pénzzel, uralják a bankrendszert, s mindezt meg is tudják zenésíteni, el is tudják adni az írott és az elektronikus médiában. Magyarán: akiké a tájékoztatás is. Az is nagyon fontos, hogy a megvásárolt tulajdont (benne minket!) meg is tudják védeni mindenféle ellenséges behatolástól, mint amilyen például az OMV mi szegény kis MOL-unkra irányuló fondorlatos kivásárlási szándéka. Magyarán: a Maccabi, meg az In-Kal Security, netán még az úniós keretből bevásárolt izraeli vízágyúkkal is felszerelkezve, majd megvédi Magyarországot (Gyurcsány szerint már amúgysem Szűz Mária országa), meg a kivásárolt ingatlanainkat, dunahouse-ostul bármilyen idegen térhódítástól, mielőtt még egy utántöltős Gripen megfordulhatna Nyíregyháza felett, útban Nagykanizsa felé. Ami pedig a kultúrát illeti; - már Landeszmann rabbi óta tudjuk, nem kéne a Jobbiknak meg a Gárdának a keleti kultúra-elemek kivonására törekednie, mert akkor nem marad más, mint a teliszart bőgatya, meg a fütyülős pálinka, mely utóbbiról azóta kiderült, hogy eredetileg szintén jiddish találmány, márminthogy a kóser változata. Kétségtelen, hogy a kultúra és a nemzeti médiumok (van ilyen?) birtoklása tekintetében lehet/lesz némi villongás a régi/új tulajdonosok meg a résztulajdonos templomosok között, dehát ilyen az élet, ezt a határvitát majd elintézik családon belül, csakúgy, amint a boldogult középkorban is meg tudtak egyezni egymással, gondok nélkül a templomos és a zsidó bankárok. Meg kell értenünk, hogy csak a jó gazdától remélhetjük, hogy a jó gazda kötelező gondosságával csatol minket a globalizált világállamhoz. Integrálódjunk a főáramlattal, és a világért se’ a periférián…!
A bel-és külkereskedelmet
én a gyors(ított) ütemben betelepülő kínaiaknak adnám, tekintve, hogy minden bóvlit képesek eladni, igen kedvező árfekvéssel, no és azt se feledjük, hogy a szólás szerint egy kínai (kereskedő) ravaszabb hét zsidónál - vagy hogyan is van! -, hogy az előzetes arányokat ne is firtassuk. Gondoljuk csak meg, micsoda hihetetlen előny! Mi, bennszülött magyarok termelhetjük tovább a jól bevált bóvlijainkat, ők meg majd - kéz a kézben - méregdrágán eladják cikkeinket az Unióban, a flamandoknak meg a vallonoknak, amitől hirtelen meglódulhat a magyar termelékenység, egyszerre kistigrissé válunk, és legott teljesül a konvergencia program, amiről pedig már régen lemondtunk. Engels óta tudjuk, hogy „a kereskedelem intézményesített csalás”, ami tudományosan, és nem ilyen szélsőségesen kifejezve azt jelenti, hogy a haszon nem a termelésben, a kereskedelemben realizálódik. Termelhet az egyszeri gazda akármilyen ízletes zöldséget és gyümölcsöt, ha nem tudja jó áron eladni, úgy jár, mint a magyar gazda, legalább 30 év óta…
Majd a milliószám betelepítendő kínaiak megoldják, ezt is.
A „zöldségek”, illetve a környezetvédelem ügyében
már megvalósult egyfajta közös, ökológiai „kényszer-kézfogás” és együttműködés szinarchisták és anarchisták között, amelynek egy cseppet sem lebecsülendő eredményeként a búzaföldjeinket benőtte a repce, s a magyar táj elkezdett szépen úniós ökotájjá átalakulni. A kultúrában már jóval korábban sikerült elérni, hogy a nemzeti kulturális alapból egyaránt finanszírozott génkezelt búza tartós szimbiózisban virágozzék együtt a konkollyal, bár ez a stabilnak látszó, göndören burjánzó, langyos dolce vita Gyurcsány óta mintha kissé felbomlott volna, hiszen – mint tudjuk - nála semmilyen kultúra nem létkérdés, s a környezetvédelem pedig valahogy nem fért bele az általános tanulmányíratás-bevásárlás egyébként bővülő kereteibe. Ki látott már ávóst vidáman szájharmónikázni?
Ez nem biztos, hogy ideillő vicc volt, de jól hangzik.
Mindazonáltal nem elég a zöld selymet azonos telephelyen gombolyítani, többet kell tenni azért, hogy a környezetvédelem ma még éretlen, zöld területein is a szinarchia győzedelmeskedjék.
Bízzuk ezért az ökológiát a szabadkőművesekre.
Az útépítést, főleg az autópályaépítést az olaszoknak, sőt, konkrétebben az olasz maffiának adnám;
tekintve, hogy egyszer (1993-1999.) már az övék volt, másrészt sokkal olcsóbban csinálták, a technológia pedig mit sem változott. Amióta az állami autópályaépítést a szocialistának nevezett maffia uralja, a fajlagos költségeket „sikerült” minimum meghatszorozni, ami hovatovább – a hitelkamatokon keresztül is – a költségvetés bedőlését fogja eredményezni. A multik és a szuprák pedig majd keresztbe-kasul, megállás nélkül, új autópályákon száguldoznak át Magyarországon, nekünk meg nem marad, nem jut más, csak a kamatrabszolgaság, meg a végtelen repceföldek, ameddig a szem ellát. A gazdagodó kollaboránsoknak meg nyaralóhelyként - Eilat.
Az energiaszektort – MVM, stb. – a németeknek és a franciáknak adnám, tekintve, hogy már úgyis az övék.
Rendkívüli értékű vízkincsünket, benne az Európai Unióban egyedülállóan gazdag hőforrásainkat nem tudom, kinek lehetne „odaadni", de valószínű, hogy horderejénél, jelentőségénél fogva szintén angol-amerikai konzorciumoké – pl. az iraki Tigris és Eufrátesz folyókat már kisajátító Bechtelé - lesz a kitermelés és a hasznosítás joga, mint a Makó környéki gázmezők, gáztárolók, vagy a pécsi uránbányák esetében, mint hírlik.
„Tanulmányomat” azzal a békés és keresztény szándékkal írtam, miszerint legyen béke az olajfák alatt, kapja meg mindenki szelíd egyetértésben mindazt, amire Magyarországon okkal-joggal pályázik. Mit is tanácsolt Jézus Krisztus az Őt kérdező ifjúnak? Miután a vagyonát szétosztotta a szegények között – kövesse őt. Mi ugyan nem „a szegényeknek” osztottuk/osztjuk/osztanánk ingyen a magyar nemzeti vagyont, hanem gazdagoknak, de hát előbb megy át a teve a tű fokán…; mi, magyarok pedig inkább a mennyei, örök értékekre pályázzunk, tehát a mennyben építsünk magunknak/magunkban autópályát, hiszen látható, itt a Földön úgysem nő fű a teheneink számára. A globalizációt úgysem állíthatjuk meg, van erre egy bölcs mondás: „Amit úgysem tudsz megállítani, annak állj az élére!”. Ezt kellene tennünk, önként s dalolva, amíg nem késő, máskülönben kiirtanak. Húzzuk keresztül a gonosz számításokat, bilderbergi mesterterveket! Hajtsunk fejet egységesen a „nagyobb” erő előtt, és akkor nem fognak bántani. Talpra magyar, feküdj le!
Más már úgysem segít rajtunk, csak az önként megadás.
Egyidejűleg megvalósul a világot előbb felforgató, majd több nagy, közös karám (USA, EU, NATO, OPEC, KGST, IMF, ENSZ, stb.) felállításával egybeolvasztó szupranacionális anarchisták (elkoptatott nevükön: kommunisták) – „szupranacionálé”, vagy milyen cím alatt dalba is költött – vágyálma: nemzetközivé lesz a világ, benne elsőként: Magyarország!
Vác, 2008. július 22.
Czike László
Magyar-Török Barátság
2008. július 23., szerda
A Közösség tavaly kezdeményezte az akciót.
Időközben bekapcsolódott Szurdokpüspöki Község is, mivel a Közösség évek óta több alkalommal támogatta gyermekjátékokkal, élelmiszerrel a település lakosságát a katolikus plébánián keresztül.
A szurdokpüspöki illetőségű Rózsa Zoltán-Márton.faragta meg székely mintákkal a kopjafát, melyet a helyi római katolikus plébánián Július 20.-án felszenteltek.
Július 25.-én Rodostóban a Rákóczi Emlékházban lesz a Kopjafa felavatva Mikes Kelemen emlékére.
A Magyar Iszlám Közösség, mint eddig mindenkor, most is híd kíván lenni a magyarság, Magyarország és az Iszlám Világ között!
Őrizni kívánjuk nemzeti értékeinket ugyanúgy, mint önként választott vallásunkat, az Iszlámot!
Akciónkkal a békességet, a megértést, a toleranciát és a párbeszédet kívánjuk elősegíteni különböző vallások és népek között!
Tisztelettel: a Magyar Iszlám Közösség
Az MTI-ben
2008. július 22., kedd
Ó, ezek a rácok... Oh, those serbians....
Zűrzavar és harag Karadzic szülőfalujában
Radovan Karadzic őrizetbe vétele zűrzavart és haragot keltett szülőfalujában, a Montenegró északnyugati részében fekvő Petnicában, ahol a nemzetközi igazságszolgáltatás által keresett szökevény több unokatestvére él. A Treskavica-hegységben, nehezen megközelíthető vidéken álló falu lakóinak többsége nem volt bőbeszédű, amikor az egykori boszniai szerb vezető elfogásáról kérdezték.
"Radovannak öngyilkosságot kellett volna elkövetnie, hogy ne jusson a kezükre, de nem tudta megtenni, és a mieink elárulták őt" - mondta Dusa Karadzic, Radovan unokanővére. Férje, Vucko Karadzic megmutatta Radovan fotóit, valamint a családfát, bizonyítékul arra, hogy a valóban hétfőn elfogott szökevény rokona. "Büntet minket az Úr, Isten elpusztít bennünket. A szerb nép mindig is áruló volt, és az is marad" - mondta Dusa.
Egy férfi, aki a nevét nem árulta el, azt mondta, a faluban senki sem fog beszélni az őrizetbe vételéről. "Tudjuk, hogy elfogták, de senki sem akar erről beszélni" - mondta. Hozzátette, hogy Petnicában fájdalmas, sőt veszélyes dolog erről az eseményről vitázni."Azok, akik támogatják Karadzicot, úgy hiszik, hogy soha nem fogják el, azok pedig, akik bűnözőnek tartják, azt gondolják, hogy a letartóztatása politikai bohózat, és nem akarnak belekeveredni" - tette hozzá. (MTI)
No comment!
Kik hiányoznak meg? - Who are missing?
Az "égi" szerb nemzet (nebeski narod) dicsőséges fiai
a boszniai szerb hadsereg parancsnoka,
Srebrenica mészárosa,
több mint 200 ezer bosnyák civil haláláért közvetlen felelősség terheli
(megosztva, az örült pszichiáter R. Karadziccsal) .
Parancsot adott nők elrablásához és megerőszakolására (több mint 50 ezer, az ENSZ által dokumentált eset!!!)
Hős, bátor holland (európai) katonák ölbe tett kézzel: a szemük láttára történt a Srebrenicai szörnyűség
A Srebrenicai mészárlás
Felelős Horvátország keleti területein a horvátok, magyarok és mások kárára elkövetett atrocitásokért, a Vukovárot elkövetett szörnyűségekért (1991 ősz)
Goran Hadzic in the Wikipedia
Egy áldozat. Pár kilométer és kivégzik...
Ovcara-i tömegsír, Vukovártól pár kilométerre
az egyik rác gyilkos martalóc
Elfogták a tömeggyilkos, háborús bűnös vad rácot, Radovan Karadzicot
(in english at the bottom of this quote!)
Egy tömeggyilkos arcai
Őrizetbe vették Radovan Karadzic volt boszniai szerb elnököt, az egyik leginkább keresett hágai vádlottat - jelentette be hétfő este a szerb elnöki hivatal. Karadzicot a hágai Nemzetközi Törvényszék népirtással, háborús és emberiesség elleni bűncselekményekkel vádolja, egyebek mellett a legalább nyolcezer muszlim férfi és fiú halálával járó srebrenicai mészárlás miatt.
A BBC azt közölte, hogy Karadzic az első vádirat ismertetése után tagadta, hogy elkövette volna a neki felrótt bűncselekményeket. Megtagadta azt is, hogy elismerje az ENSZ törvényszék törvényességét.
13 évig rejtőzött
A szerb elnöki hivatal közleménye szerint Karadzicot a szerb biztonsági szolgálatok fogták el, s a háborús bűnök ügyében ítélkező belgrádi különleges törvényszék vizsgálóbírája elé vezették. A hágai Nemzetközi Törvényszék főügyésze, Serge Brammertz megerősítette Karadzic őrizetbe vételét. "Ez egy nagyon fontos nap azoknak az áldozatoknak, akik több mint egy évtizeden keresztül vártak erre a letartóztatásra" – mondta a BBC tudósítása szerint.
A volt elnök csaknem 13 évig bujkált, ellene már 1995. július 24-én megfogalmazták az első vádiratot. A mostani vádak között a boszniai bosnyák, horvát és más nem szerb népek ellen elkövetett, népirtásnak minősülő gyilkosságok, deportálások, azok parancsba adása szerepel, közölte a CNN.
A CNN legfrissebb anyaga
Former Bosnian Serb president Radovan Karadzic, the man accused of masterminding Europe's worst atrocities since World War II, had been working at a medical clinic in Belgrade under a false identity prior to his arrest after more than a decade on the run, Serb prosecutors say. full story
Karadzic, a szakállas mészáros
Így nézett ki elfogásakor
CNN videó anyagok a témáról
Christiane Amanpour chronicle the life of Karadzic
Watch protests in Serbia
Watch Karadzic's lawyer slam arrest
See a map of the Balkans today
Karadzsicsot vádolják a boszniai vérfürdőért
A hágai nemzetközi törvényszék népirtással és népirtásban való bűnrészességgel vádolja a 13 éve szökésben lévő, most 63 éves egykori politikust, akit hétfőn fogtak el [1] Szerbia területén. A bűncselekményeket - etnikai tisztogatásokat - Focában, Novi Gradban, Visegradban és Srebrenicában követték el.
Karadzsicsot vádolják még üldöztetéssel, deportálással, civilek ellen elkövetett terrorcselekményekkel, túszejtéssel.
A 2000-ben kelt vádirat szerint nyolcezer ember halála szárad az ő és Ratko Mladics boszniai szerb vezérkari főnök lelkén Srebrenicában.
Srebrenica egy néhány tízezres, muzulmán dominanciájú város Bosznia keleti részén, sóbányával, gyógyfürdővel. A város stratégiai fontosságú volt a szerbeknek, mivel egy muzulmán Srebrenica felerősíthette volna a szomszédos, a mai napig Szerbiához tartozó, muzulmán többségű Szandzsák elszakadási törekvéseit.
Közel egy évig ostromolták a várost, ahol a környékbeli falvak muzulmánjai is menedékre leltek, amikor 1993-ban Srebrenica elesett. A város átadása a szerbeknek a nemzetközi erők felügyelete alatt viszonylag békésen zajlott.
Akkor még az ENSZ javára írták, hogy a muzulmánok a fegyvereket nem a szerbeknek, hanem a nemzetközi erőknek adják át. Két évvel később éppen ez lett a vesztük: nem volt fegyverük, amivel megvédhették volna magukat a várost lerohanó szerbektől.
1995 júliusában a szerbek eredetileg nem a nemzetközi erők felügyelte, a muzulmánoknak menedéket nyújtó várost akarták elfoglalni, csupán a Srebrenicát Zepával összekötő utat. Látva azonban a gyenge muzulmán ellenállást - fegyvereiket két évvel korábban leadták az ENSZ-nek -, változtattak céljaikon és a város ellen fordultak.
Az ENSZ hatalmasat hibázott. Könnyűfegyverzetű, ostromot, népirtást megakadályozó békefenntartókat küldött ugyanis egy olyan térségbe, ahol nem volt béke.
A holland békefenntartók asszisztálása mellett a szerbek összegyűjtöttek 20 ezer muzulmánt, a férfiakat és a nőket különválasztották, az utóbbiakat elszállították muzulmán területre, az előbbieket pedig - nyolcezer embert - kivégezték.
Máig nem lehet tudni, mekkora szerepe volt ebben Radovan Karadzsicsnak, aki ekkorra, a háború utolsó évére összeveszett Ratko Mladics hadseregparancsnokkal. Az utóbbi, látva a hadsereg reménytelen helyzetét, hajlott a békekötésre. Karadzsics a háború folytatása mellett kardoskodott, csakhogy ekkorra már sok, a háborúba belefáradt szerb is elfordult tőle, csakúgy, mint Szlobodan Milosevics, aki a boszniai szerb vezetők nyakasságában látta országa elszigeteltségének legfőbb okát és maga is blokádot rendelt el a boszniai szerb területek ellen.
Paradox módon - állapította meg a Holland Háborús Dokumentációs Intézet 2002-es tanulmánya - a népirtásért mégis inkább a helyszínen tartózkodó Mladics a felelős. A két vezető rossz viszonya miatt nem valószínű, hogy Mladics tájékoztatta Karadzsicsot a Srebrenica elleni támadásról, mivel nem voltak beszélő viszonyban. (Az más kérdés, hogy Karadzsicsot, mint a boszniai Szerb Köztársaság katonai és politikai vezetőjét milyen felelősség terheli, ha az irányítása alatt álló területen ilyen, a második világháború óta Európában példátlan népirtást hajtanak végre.)
A Karadzsics elleni vádiratban szerepelnek még a Focában, Novi Gradban és Visegradban elkövetett bűnök. Mi zajlott ezeken a településeken a boszniai háború három éve alatt?
A szintén kelet-boszniai, Szerbiához közel fekvő, muzulmán többségű (bosnyák 52 százalék, szerb 44 százalék - 1991-es adat) Focát már a háború első évében lerohanták a szerbek. Az eltűnt és megölt bosnyákok száma 2704.
Ebben a városban működött - ez szintén benne van a Karadzsics elleni vádiratban - az egyik szerbek működtette koncentrációs tábor, ahol embertelen körülmények között tartottak muzulmánokat. (A Karadzsics elleni vádirat tizenegy koncentrációs tábort sorol fel.)
Koncentrációs tábor működött Novi Gradban, ebben az északnyugati boszniai városban, ahol negyvenhét boszniai muzulmánt gyilkoltak meg, a visegrádi táborban pedig tizet.
A többnemzetiségű Visegradon a háború kitörése után több tucat muzulmánt és horvátok gyilkoltak meg a szerb erők.
Karadzsicsot felelőssé teszik Szarajevó 1992 április és 1995 novembere közötti ostromáért. A szerbek a vádirat szerint negyvennégyszer támadták a védtelen várost, szinte nem maradt épen maradt ház, az élet ellehetetlenült.
A mesterlövészek és a várost körülvevő hegyeken tanyázó más katonai alakulatok 12 ezer ember életét oltották ki, ötvenezret megsebesítettek.
Néhány kép emlékeztetőül!
A rác banditák által tömegsírba lövetett ártatlan civilek, kihántolás után
Még élek...könyörgök...
Nincs könyörület...a rác martalócok, a "mennyei nép" fiai, mindent megengedhették maguknak
Európai, civilizált arcok...ezek a vadállatok romboltak le Szentlászlót és raboltak ki a Dráva-szög magyar falvait!
Ez nem Auschwitz, nem is Buchenwald...ez valódi és valóságos! Rác koncentrációs tábor valahol a volt-Jugoszlávia területén, 1991-95 között
A "felszabadító" (ismerős ugye?)
Nem volt elég a vér, pálinkát iszik a bátor rác harcos
Életben maradt?
Vukovár - Csetnik duó, lopott áruval
Vukovár - rác "dáma" lopott cuccban
Racak - Koszova / a rác banditák által lemészárolt albán civilek
Ők is emberek voltak egyszer...
Bosznia - Bosnyák -azaz fundamentalista, terrorista muszlim- foglyok "rác" üdülőben... Így már elfogadható a kép aláírás kedves libsi patkányok?
Srebrenica-Bosznia (1995-2005) Ezt már nem bírjátok lehazudni! Gazemberek!
Erre emlékszik valaki? Szarajevó, piac, 1992.
A szerencsétlen muszlim terrorista, fundamentalista bűnözök kenyérért álltak sorban. Végeredmény: 82 halott 3 perc alatt.
War crimes fugitive Radovan Karadzic arrested
Radovan Karadzic, the wartime leader of the Bosnian Serbs and one of the most wanted men in the world, was arrested Monday after a 13-year manhunt.Karadzic is accused of planning massive civilian massacres, described by the United Nations war crimes tribunal as "scenes from hell, written on the darkest pages of human history."
He was taken into custody in Serbia, according to Serbian President Boris Tadic. Heavily-armed soldiers surrounded the Belgrade court where Karadzic is currently being kept, while dozens of angry supporters gathered outside.
Local newspapers claimed Karadzic used elaborate disguises to evade authorities, and spent the past decade hiding in mountain caves and monasteries in eastern Bosnia.
This arrest is a long, overdue victory for the international community.
It's been a huge humiliation -- a disgrace to the international community -- that the leading war criminal in the world has not been arrested until now.
Karadzic's arrest and trial at The Hague is a major condition for Serbia's European Union membership. However, it's unclear whether he will be transferred to The Hague, or put on trial for war crimes in Belgrade.
Serbian government may have actually helped hide Karadzic, although that allegation has never been proven.
The UN criminal court in The Hague has been demanding that Serbia stop sheltering these criminals and hand them over to justice. Serbia has refused to do so. But Serbia is now in terrible economic shape and the EU has been holding out the carrot of fuller integration with the EU -- and financial aid -- in exchange of handing over these criminals.
NATO-led peacekeepers had been ordered to arrest Karadzic on site. In July 2005, his wife, Ljiljana Zelen-Karadzic, publicly urged him to surrender "for the sake of your family." A week later, his son said anyone responsible for war crimes should face justice, "even if it is my own father."
The UN war crimes tribunal has charged Karadzic with 15 counts of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The charges include:
- Six counts of genocide and complicity in genocide (in Srebrenica and elsewhere in Bosnia)
- Two counts of crimes against humanity
- One count of violations of the laws or customs of war
- One count of a grave breach of the Geneva Conventions governing wartime conduct
- One count of persecution
- Two counts of deportations and other inhumane acts
- One count of inflicting terror upon civilians
- One count of taking hostages
During the Bosnian war, which lasted for three-and-a-half years, Karadzic became a familiar face in the media as he met with negotiators and spoke with journalists.
The war began when ethnic Serbs took up arms to protest Bosnia's split with Yugoslavia in 1992. Karadzic's political party mobilized Serbs to fight against the Republic's Muslims and Croats.
Karadzic wanted to unite his republic's Serbs with neighboring Serbia, led by the late Slobodan Milosevic.
By the end of the conflict, about 250,000 people were dead.
Karadzic was the psychiatrist for the Sarajevo first-division (soccer) team, and a self-proclaimed but quite successful poet." "He was not some general running around the field. But, he was the guy in charge"
2008. július 21., hétfő
Náci Kína!
Az alábbi anyag terjedelme miatt, nem vállalkozhatunk az azonnali fordítására, ámde a következő hetekben reméljük ez sikerülni fog, és akkor minden kedves ismerős, barátnak, bajtársnak, aki a levelező listánkon szerepel, elküldjük terjesztésre a magyar nyelvű változatot.
Addig mindenki élvezkedhet kedve, gyomra és egyébek függvényében a képeken és az illusztrációkon. Ez az ország, ahol emberek millióit öltek és ölnek meg, milliókat kínozták és kínoznák meg, nap mint nap, most is-nehogy valaki is elfelejtse!-, a Kínai Népköztársaság, rendezi ebben az évben, augusztusban, a nyári Olimpiai Játékokat.
Aki nézi a megnyitó és záró ünnepségeket, olyanoknak -képletesen- tapsol, akik nyakig úsznak a Kína-nak nevezett népek börtönében sínylődők vérében és izzadtságában. Ők, a párt és állami vezérek azok, akik ott fognak állni és vigyorogni a dísztribünön.
Le a kínai -Han- kommunista diktatúrával!
Függetlenséget a kommunisták által elnyomott népeknek!
Éljen a Szabadság!
Le a szemellenzőkkel: ma ők, holnap mi!
Szolidaritás az Ujgur és a Tibeti nemzetekkel!
Whenever he holds the upper hand, he goes about the earth corrupting it, destroying (peoples') crops and animals.
God does not love corruption.
(Qur'an, 2:205)
As we have seen, there are many economic reasons why East Turkestan is very important to China. That country's interest in east Turkestan goes back thousands of years and the region has frequently been occupied by China, either fully or in part.
Mao saluting his army after the communists had captured Beijing. |
The latest Chinese occupation, that is still in existence today, began in the middle of the 1700s. The civil conflicts in East Turkestan in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries not only damaged popular unity, but also weakened the state itself. At the same time, the Manchus came to power in China and the Manchu dynasty began. Throughout their rule, East Turkestan was run by centrally appointed governors and bureaucrats. In 1911 the Manchu Empire was overthrown and replaced by the Chinese Republic under Sun Yat Sen, the leader of the Kuomintang party, and East Turkestan was totally enslaved.
The cruelty inflicted on the people of East Turkestan by the Kuomintang regime led to a popular uprising and a declaration of independence in 1931. Up until then, the Muslims of East Turkestan, aware of the political realities of the time, avoided any initiatives aimed at securing independence. It was not only China that had its sights set on the region, but Soviet Russia was also waiting for a chance to take it over. The people of East Turkestan were aware of this (and of the sufferings the Russians had inflicted on the Muslims of West Turkestan) and for this reason preferred to accept the status quo rather than fall into communist hands. However, the 1931 move towards independence left the Muslims facing the very threat they had feared. China was able to put the movement down only with help from Soviet Russia, and a large part of the region came under Soviet control.
That interesting outcome was the result of a number of developments: China realized that it would be unable to quell the East Turkestan uprising on its own, and signed a secret agreement with Soviet Russia. As a result it acquired weapons and troops from the Russians. Despite this move, however, it still proved impossible to put the uprising down. In 1933, the Red Army invaded East Turkestan by land and defeated the Muslim forces. Following a number of battles in 1934-1937, East Turkestan found itself under de facto Soviet rule. The savagery and oppression inflicted on the peoples of the Soviet republics were now visited on the Muslims of East Turkestan. The Red Army carried out mass killings, tore down mosques, and even raped women.
With the outbreak of the Second World War, the Russians withdrew their forces from East Turkestan. As the nationalist Chinese government was defeated by Mao's communist guerillas in various regions of the country, it fled to Formosa (Taiwan). China fell to the communists, and East Turkestan with it.
Within the course of that process, the people of East Turkestan once more made a bid for independence, and the independent Republic of East Turkestan was declared in 1944, though it only lasted until Mao took control of China in 1949.
The communists slaughtered thousands of innocent people during their take-over in China. |
The first communist government in the world came to power in Russia. The Muslims of East Turkestan closely followed the developments in West Turkestan (Kazakh, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Turkmen and Tajik) territories under Soviet domination, with which they shared common borders and historical, religious, ethnic and cultural links. In particular, those such as the late Isa Yusuf Alptekin (who served in West Turkestan and witnessed the communist Russian oppression at first hand), warned both the Chinese government and the Muslims of East Turkestan against the communist menace. It was a common communist tactic to pay lip service to such concepts as equality, social justice and the freedoms of nations until they came to power, at which time things change. Equality would be replaced by the orders of the Politbureau, social justice by exploitation, and freedoms by expulsions, torture, labor camps, and mass executions.
Indeed, those same developments were experienced in East Turkestan. At the 7th Congress in 1945, before coming to power, Mao declared that when the communists did come to power, they would allow different ethnic groups to determine their own futures and establish their own administrations.23 As soon as they came to power, however, they ignored those promises and declared: "For two thousand years Xinjiang has been an inalienable part of an indivisible China; therefore, there would be no sense in dividing China into federated republics; this is a demand hostile to history and socialism…"24
Cruelty and oppression followed. First, the leaders of the Republic of East Turkestan were killed in a mysterious plane crash on their way to a meeting with Chairman Mao. Later, the Red Chinese government, which regarded East Turkestan as part of its own territory (and was unwilling to let it go) set about a ruthless slaughter of the Muslim population. The first war was waged against the Muslims' beliefs. Schools providing religious instruction were closed, religious leaders were arrested, and the majority of them were killed. Portraits of Mao and Communist Party flags were hung up in mosques, and Muslims were ordered to show them due respect. Some Muslims were arrested and executed on the pretext of being pan-Turkish, others of being pan-Islamic. Another aspect of the repression was forced exile. Many Muslims who were forced off their lands died en route because of the weather conditions. Between 1949 and 1952, 2.8 million East Turkestan Muslims were killed by various means. The figure was 3.5 million between 1952 and 1957, 6.7 million between 1958 and 1960, and 13.3 million between 1961 and 1965.
Oppression, slaughter and torture are integral parts of the communist regime. Scenes of this savagery against the Muslims of East Turkestan are also frequently witnessed in China itself. |
As the Muslims were being systematically exterminated, Chinese were brought in to replace them in an attempt to prevent Muslims' rightful claims to their own land. Another method employed by the Mao regime, which wanted to turn East Turkestan into a province of China, was "family planning" by means of forced abortions. This communist brutality, which is still going on today, will be considered in more detail in subsequent chapters of this book.
The beginning of the twentieth century was a time when national and spiritual feelings in East Turkestan began to stir. This "national awakening" of the Uighur Turks came about thanks to Abdulqadir Damulla, who began his activities following a trip to Muslim countries such as Turkey, Egypt and Syria. One of the most important needs of the time was for the people to be made aware of their sacred values and historical heritage. Damulla opened a school called the Matla'ul Hidayat, and began to teach the young people of East Turkestan about their history, as well as helping to raise the popular consciousness by means of the books he published. Following Damulla, the struggle in East Turkestan was taken on by the "the Three Masters," Isa Yusuf Alptekin, Muhammed Emin Bugra, and Mesud Sabri Baykuzu. Baykuzu's struggle ended with his arrest by the communist Chinese administration in 1951 (and he was killed by lethal injection the following year). Alptekin and Bugra continued the struggle until the very end of their lives.
Isa Yusuf Alptekin |
Alptekin served as the secretary of the East Turkestan Provincial Government, itself subordinate to China, and spent his whole life speaking about the rightful claims of East Turkestan on international platforms and trying to free the Muslims. He started working at the Chinese Consulate in West Turkestan at the age of 26. This was a time when the Soviet oppression of the Turkish Muslims of West Turkestan was at its height, and saw the start of Alptekin's struggle as he witnessed communist mentality and practice first hand. Throughout his time in West Turkestan, he established contacts with people who supported independence for East Turkestan (but had to carry out his activities in secret).
One of the subjects Alptekin was most concerned with was protecting the people from communism. He even made contacts within the Chinese government in the belief that this would enable him to operate more effectively against communism. He also represented his country at the Chinese parliament between 1936 and 1945. When the communists first seized Beijing and then marched towards East Turkestan, Alptekin was forced to abandon his country. In 1954 he settled in Istanbul and began to work from there. He traveled to many countries in order to tell the world about the suffering in East Turkestan, and to host conferences, attend panels, and give speeches at universities.
Muhammed Emin Bugra's name went down in the history of the East Turkestan struggle with his extensive work Dogu Turkistan Tarihi (The History of East Turkestan). He personally served in the 1931 independence movement, and was instrumental in freeing such cities as Hotan and Yarkent from Chinese occupation. He served as a minister in the East Turkestan state established in 1944, and sought asylum in India shortly before the Chinese invasion. From there he moved to Turkey, and carried on the fight from there.
The lifelong struggle waged with honor by these patriots is still going on today. There are currently some 20 associations and organizations active on East Turkestan's behalf in the international arena. These all work together under the umbrella of the East Turkestan National Council (ETNC), and are working to have the voice of the people of East Turkestan heard by the outside world.
It has been shown in the preceding sections that the lands of East Turkestan have been Muslim for the last 1,000 years. Yet for more than half a century now, it has been living under occupation by the Chinese administration. A graffiti on a door at the University of Urumchi, described by Andrew Higgins (correspondent of The Independent) as "sheer racial venom" clearly reflects the Chinese view of the Uighur Turks:
Make Uyghur men our slaves forever and take Uyghur women as prostitutes for generations.25
China maintains up to 1 million soldiers under arms in the region, and controls everything that the Muslims in East Turkestan do. All vehicles are stopped at military checkpoints set up along the roads, the men are sometimes insulted and slapped about as their cars are searched, and Muslim women are abused. Chinese pressure is not restricted to stopping vehicles or frequent house searches by the military. The June 29, 2000 edition of the Japanese Mainichi Daily News described the oppression in the following terms:
Chinese control [over East Turkestan] grows ever tighter and more intolerable. People's Liberation Army soldiers are everywhere. Travel and attendance at mosques are restricted. Communications are primitive and policed. Few farm villages have telephones, and urban phones are liable to be tapped. One can be jailed for years on mere suspicion of subversion.26
Muslims are arrested on invalid grounds and sent off to labor camps, executed on groundless charges, and from time to time murdered en masse. They are not allowed to fast, and are prevented from receiving religious instruction. The method used to stop the Muslim population from growing is utterly inhuman: Women are forced to have abortions, and the children of those who have more than one child are taken away from them.
In the face of all this cruelty and oppression, the people of East Turkestan have no means of protecting themselves or their rights. Muslims all over the world can help these defenseless people in many different ways. All measures to allow the voice of the people of East Turkestan to be heard and to attract the attention of international organizations are important.
The greatest assistance that can be given is to wage a struggle on the level of ideas to destroy the atheism that all that oppression stems from, and replace it with a just and proper morality. In that way, not just the Muslims of East Turkestan but all those who are wickedly killed all over the world, or are forced from their homelands just for saying, "God is our Lord," or can be helped.
All believers share an equal responsibility in this matter. God reveals in a verse, "… Whoever strives does it entirely for himself…" (Qur'an, 29:6). In another verse, He describes the responsibility that falls to believers in these terms: "Would that there had been more people with a vestige of good among the generations of those who came before you, who forbade corruption in the earth…" (Qur'an, 11:116) Preventing evil in this world is the common duty of all people of conscience.
The Chinese army controls East Turkestan with an iron hand. The Muslims' lives are rigidly controlled, and those whom the Communist Party regards as a threat are arrested. |
Communist ideology maintains that matter has no beginning or end, denies the existence of God, and rejects all spiritual values. It has been put into practice in a number of different countries, yet every time it has ended up inflicting terrible suffering. The reason for this is communist ideology's view of life and human beings. This is communist ideology's world view and the general structure of those societies in which it has been practiced:
-In communist societies, human beings are regarded as advanced forms of animal, based on Darwin's theory of evolution. For that reason, society is seen as a large herd of animals, and little value is ascribed to human beings.
- The logic of "There are many members of the herd, so one fewer does not matter" prevails. The mentality which regards life as a "struggle for survival," sees nothing wrong with the elimination of the weak. On the contrary, it regards it as necessary. Selfishness is its defining feature. The crippled or those who cannot work are expelled from the herd and left to die.
- Just like animals in a herd, society is made up of one type of human being. People are made to dress, think and speak alike. There is little room for different cultures, beliefs or ideas.
- Individuals' contributions to society are more important than their own interests. Tireless workers and peasants are the ideal. The system is based solely on the material concepts of work and production. The logic of "production strengthens the herd" rules.
- No account is ever taken of human characteristics or proper morality. There is little room in communist societies for human feelings such as forgiveness, compassion, faith or love.
- Since fear of God is systematically destroyed, people are held back from committing crimes mostly because they fear the system itself. That is why an improper action can be committed if the system will not see it, or if the culprit will not be punished. Theft, prostitution, murder and moral degeneration are widespread in communist societies.
Under communism people are only of value if they produce. They must therefore work like machines to benefit the system. According to this twisted view, those who are not productive are condemned to be eliminated. |
- According to communist ideology, which rejects belief in the hereafter, people cease to exist when they die. That explains why people do everything in their power to stay alive and remain strong. Since they believe they are engaged in a struggle for survival and see everyone else as a rival, they can easily perpetrate all kinds of evil in their own interests.
In communist societies, good workers are the ideal human beings.
People work in terrible conditions and under the command of
oppressive leaders, and face severe punishment for the slightest
infringement of the rules.
China's policy on East Turkestan is a general reflection of communist ideology. That is why it is impossible to evaluate what is going on in East Turkestan independently of that ideology. Similar cruelty and oppression is inflicted on different individuals and communities all over China, which shows that a totalitarian structure is an inseparable part of communism. In this section we shall, therefore, be considering the cruelty and suffering inflicted by China's ideology and its despotic regime on its own people, as well as the suffering of the people of East Turkestan.
THE DEATH TOLL OF MAO ZE TUNG'S ADMINISTRATION:40 MILLION DEAD The teachings of Mao, based on ruthlessness and brutality, led to the death of millions. |
All regimes that are hostile to religion resort to pressure and violence in order to keep themselves in power. The most oppressive, dictatorial regimes have always oppressed, even despised, the people who resisted their policies. From this point of view there is little difference between Pharaoh and Hitler, Hitler and Stalin, or Stalin and Mao. None of these leaders had any hesitation about killing innocent people and ordering terrible slaughter for the sake of power and their own ideologies. Just like the others, Mao set up concentration camps in order to strengthen the communist regime, turned them into torture centers, and had millions of people who failed to think like him ruthlessly killed.
Nothing in the Chinese government's policy of oppression changed during the time of Deng Xiaoping (side), who came to power after Mao. |
The People's Republic of China, founded in 1949, was built upon totalitarian despotism, intense bureaucracy, and a system of state control of all resources and means of production. The disasters brought about by Mao's economic policies and his policies of restricted famine led to enormous loss of life and a general collapse. Mao's successor, Deng Xiaoping, hoped to put the economy right by carrying out economic reforms and opened the country up to foreign investors and a liberal economy. Yet those economic improvements only benefited the top levels of the state machinery. The people of China benefited very little. Moreover, despite the trend towards a liberal economy there was very little equivalent political or social progress. No matter how much people talk about "the old communist system" with regard to China, and claim that communism has come to an end, the facts disprove this claim.
China is still run by a totalitarian mentality that has its roots in Mao's vision of communism. The reforms in the economic field have not brought about any major changes in the minds of the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.
A large part of the economic progress and revenues are used to increase the repression of the population and to silence the voices of opposition. China currently has the highest capital punishment rate of any country in the world. Furthermore, it is perhaps the only country in which executions are turned into public spectacles, and where the internal organs of those executed are removed without their permission and sold for profit, where pregnant women are forced to have abortions. There are more than 1,000 labor camps in the country, and those detained in them are systematically tortured.
Only Communist Party officials benefit from the economic liberalization in China, and the people as a whole continue to live in hunger and poverty. |
The death penalty is an important control mechanism of the Red Chinese regime. The famous Chinese dissident Harry Wu describes the situation in his country as follows:
The dictatorship is tightly associated with violence and has even grown dependent on it. It practices the Chinese idiom of "Kill the Chicken to Scare the Monkey." The public education carried out by sentencing rallies and mass executions shows the Party's reliance on public violence.27
Although it is impossible to specify the exact number, millions of people have executed by the Red Chinese regime. Most figures are based on estimates, although the latest research has revealed that the number of people killed is much higher than was previously believed. The fact that the communist regime regards executions and murder as one of its basic principles is well known. In a confidential document dated May 16, 1951, Mao revealed that the number of people to be killed had been established in line with a definite quota:
Talking about the number of counter-revolutionaries to be killed, a certain proportion must be set. In rural areas, it should not exceed 1/1000 of the population. In killing counter-revolutionaries in the urban areas, generally it should be below 1/1,000 of the population; the number .5/1000 seems appropriate. For example, among the 2,000,000 people of Peking, over 600 were killed. Another 300 are planned to be killed. A total number of 1,000 will be enough… It is still necessary to kill other big batches and we must do all we can do to kill two thirds of those who are predetermined to be killed by the end of July. 28
When planning his massacres, Mao saw no need to prove that the person to be killed actually committed a crime. He regarded killing as necessary simply because of the fear it would instill in society, and saw that number of executions as a "matter of quotas." Another example of this way of thinking is found in Stalin's famous statement: "the death of one person is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic."29 As a result of the communist Stalin's "statistical" murders, an estimated 40 million innocent people lost their lives.
Mao had no hesitation about personally signing the death warrants of those to be killed. In a document dated January 17, 1951, he gave the following order to his comrades, which included Deng Xiaoping:
In 21 counties in western Hunan, over 4,600 bandit chieftains, local tyrants, and Kuomingtang agents were killed. Another batch are planned to be killed this year by local authorities. I believe this disposal is very necessary… in places, we must kill big batches…dealing heavy blows means killing all reactionaries that should be killed with a firm hand. 30
In the early days when Mao was still alive, executions were carried out with great speed, sometimes in public and at other times in secret. In 1953, for instance, a woman called Yang Pei only learned that her husband had been executed when she applied for a divorce.
Executions continued in the Deng period. At the same time, an unbelievable "savings" measure was started, under which the cost of the bullet fired into the skull of the person executed was paid by his family. The state also found another means of turning a profit out of executions: The internal organs of the victims were sold, and all the profits went into the state coffers.
It is clear, therefore, that the current rulers of Red China are merely following in the footsteps of their so-called "eternal" leader Mao when they stage public executions or murder people in labor camps.
Executions are still staged on a regular basis in China. It is not known how many people are executed in the course of a year because the Chinese government treats such information as a state secret. However, the following figures will help to provide a general idea:
Amnesty International has reported there were 2,050 executions in China during 1994. It recently released the figure of 1,313 reported executions in China during the first half of 1995.31
CHINA IS LIKE AN EXECUTION MACHINE In an article in The New York Times called "Chinese Justice Tools:Torture and Executions," it was reported that China has the highest number of executions of any country in the world. Some people sentenced to execution are first paraded in the streets, and then killed in full public view. The cost of the bullets used in executions is reclaimed from the victims' families.
Cumhuriyet, 22.5.01 NEVER A DAY PASSES WITHOUT EXECUTIONS Only a very few of the executions in China are reported in the press, yet even these are enough to show the scale of the brutality. |
The numbers have risen still further in the 2000s. In the first three months of 2001, 1,781 people were executed. That figure does not include the 2,960 people still awaiting execution.32
Wang Shouxin, accused of corruption in a coal business, was just one of thousands of Chinese people killed in the snow with a single bullet. Red China extracts the cost of the bullet employed from the victims' families. Such brutal scenes areoften to be witnessed in China.
That figure is more than all the other countries in the rest of the world combined for the last three years alone. Among those executed are people from all kinds of social groups, including girls aged 15-16 and religious leaders.
The common "crime" of the great majority of these people was to want to live in freedom in their own country and to enjoy the most basic human freedoms, those of speech, thought and worship. Yet in the eyes of the Chinese government, both common criminals and supporters of democracy are all "counter-revolutionaries." That is why as many people are executed for "thought crimes" as for ordinary criminal offences. What is more, a number of new methods have recently been introduced in order for those guilty of "political crimes" to be executed. The most widespread of these is political detainees are accused of trumped up criminal offences.
In the article "Torture Hurries a New Wave of Executions in China,"
in the September 9, 2001, edition of The New York Times, it was stated
that some 191 executions are carried out daily as the result of statements
given under torture. According to the report, at least 3,000 people had been
executed since April, and a further two or three times that figure were
expected to be executed.
Chinese officials have always thought that capital punishment was necessary in order to keep the public in line and to strengthen the government. For that reason, they choose to parade those to be executed through the streets and then kill them in full public view. Those to be killed are brought before the public in handcuffs and made to face the spectators. Their names and crimes are written on placards hung around their necks. These scenes of savagery in full public view are also broadcast live on television.
Mass executions and the parading of those due to be killed
through the streets have been methods employed since the
earliest days of communist China.
Following the publication of scenes of mass executions in Newsweek magazine in 1984, the Chinese government feared that this might damage the country's image, and issued an order that those condemned to die should no longer be paraded through the streets. That order was subsequently expanded, and the fact that political detainees had been executed was to be kept secret even from their families. These instructions did not mean that political killings had been done away with in China, but that they were still proceeding apace, albeit out of sight. Following the events in Tiananmen Square in 1989, concerns over domestic policy overrode the country's image abroad, and many involved in the opposition were publicly executed.
Red China's habit of executing people due to their ideas was also seen during the time of the Prophet Moses and one of the cruelest despots in history - the Egyptian Pharaoh. Pharaoh threatened the followers of Moses with death because they refused to obey him and to abide by his rules. That threat is reported in the Qur'an:
He [Pharaoh] said, "Have you believed in him before I authorized you? He is your chief who taught you magic. But you will soon know! I will cut off your alternate hands and feet and I will crucify every one of you." (Qur'an, 26:49).
Although China's policy regarding its own people is utterly ruthless, things are even worse in East Turkestan. The number of East Turkestan Muslims executed is enormous. Any initiative by the Muslim population to live according to their religion or speak their own language, which are fundamental rights, is savagely punished.
Just as in China as a whole, executions still go on in East Turkestan, and innocent people are killed in the absence of any firm evidence. Chinese courts are not independent like those in democratic countries, but operate within the framework of the Communist Party's political agenda. That is why the cases of people condemned to death are heard very quickly, and defendants are not given the necessary time and means to defend themselves properly. The death penalty is usually carried out so fast that victims' families are unaware of its event. According to official figures, 210 Muslims were executed in East Turkestan alone in 1997-1999, and it is believed that the true figure is actually a great deal higher.33 Executions are carried out every single month, and Mao's method of "killing by quotas" is scrupulously implemented.
Muslims executed in East Turkestan. |
One of the methods resorted to by the Chinese regime in order to intimidate the Muslim population is mass arrests and torture while in detention. Most Muslims under arrest are sentenced to long terms in labor camps, and many of these are never heard of again. Families have no idea where prisoners are being held, or whether they are alive or dead.
When the young people of East Turkestan express the entirely justified demand to be allowed to live by their own religion and culture, they are punished with death by the communist regime. At the outset, some executions were broadcast by Chinese television as a "deterrent." However, the Chinese government later abandoned that practice out of concern over protests. |
Pharaoh said, "Have you believed in him before I authorized you to do so? This is just some plot you have concocted in the city to drive its people from it. I will cut off your alternate hands and feet and then I will crucify every one of you." (Qur'an, 7:123-124) |
Torture is widespread in Chinese prisons and labor camps. Various international organizations have drawn attention to the systematic torture carried out in China, and in their reports have warned the Chinese government. One of these was a 34-page report published by Amnesty International in 1999, which considered human rights violations in East Turkestan. One of the many incidents described in the report concerned descriptions of the grim prison conditions by the relatives of one 17-year-old detainee:
The jail was so crowded that prisoners were held 5 or 6 to a single cell - too small to allow them all to lie down at night; they had to take turns to sleep. Whenever police officers "visited" them in their cells, they were beaten. Those prisoners selected for interrogation were taken to a special room where they were beaten, kicked and given electric shocks with electric batons. The interrogation room was equipped with a rail fixed on the wall. Some prisoners were hung on the rail with one foot and one hand tied to the rail with handcuffs. They were left in that position for 24 hours. When they were untied, they could not stand straight. Some prisoners had their fingernails pulled out with pliers. Others had wires inserted under the nails.34
Just one of the thousands of Uyghur Turks, arrested by the Chinese security forces in Gulja on February 4, 1997, subjected to unbelievable torture simply because of their beliefs. |
The prisoner who underwent those experiences spent two months in prison, and was only released following payment of a 2,000 yen bribe by his family. The torture inflicted on another prisoner at the Public Security Bureau after being arrested was even more pitiless. What is more, that person's only crime was to meet and engage in an exchange of ideas with friends:
Some Chinese torture methods |
Next to the detention centre is an underground place where some suspects are interrogated. He was questioned there in the evenings and tortured in various ways. For example, his hands were tied behind his back and the interrogators would lift his arms, pulling them up high in a twisted and painful position behind his back. He was given electric shocks with electric batons. The shocks were applied all over his body, including in his mouth and on his penis, which caused intense pain. The interrogators hit him on the bones of the legs with a wooden baton. They made him kneel down and hit him on the thighs and the shoulders with the baton. While tortured, he was made to wear a kind of metal helmet which came down over his eyes. The interrogators used this helmet to prevent fatalities, as some prisoners cannot bear the pain of torture and try to kill themselves by bashing their heads against the walls.35
Conditions in the so-called "re-education through labor" camps that convicted prisoners are sent to are even worse. "Re-education" in China means making someone accept communist ideology and be willing to obey the orders of the Communist Party, at no matter what price. The methods employed to that end are totally inhuman:
Prisoners in the camp work on average 10 hours a day at making and carrying bricks, cutting and transporting stones, and agricultural work. They are punished severely if they do not go to bed or get up on time, if they talk to each other, if they sing songs or shout, laugh or cry, if they secretly take water to wash themselves for prayer, if they do not finish their allotted tasks, or if they answer back to the police or guards. The punishments include being hit on the head, stomach and crutch with electric batons; being made to lie down and having their hand trodden on; being made to stand in the "flying aeroplane" position; being strapped to a pole and beaten, and being hung from the ceiling and beaten. On several occasions, police officers inserted an electric baton into a prisoner's anus. Many prisoners have lost their teeth, have bleeding ears, broken arms, infected and useless testicles due to torture. They are frequently insulted and humiliated by the guards. At mealtime, they have to sing songs of praise in Chinese, failing which they reportedly go without food. The camp has no doctor. Prisoners who are sick have to work or are given no food, and only those who are incontinent are taken to the hospital 36 kilometers away. Some have died on the way to hospital.36
China's policy in East Turkestan is a program of mass torture and genocide. According to information from the East Turkestan Information Center, some 10,000 Uighur Turks were arrested on trumped up charges between the beginning of 1999 and March of that same year, detained under the sort of conditions we have seen above, and sentenced to stiff punishment, especially the death penalty, by courts operating under the control of the Communist Party. The number of people sentenced to death by courts in East Turkestan or who died as the result of torture between the beginning of 1999 and March, 2000, is estimated to be 2,500.37
In the genocide campaign being waged by the Chinese government in East Turkestan, even children are detained on various charges. For instance, on October, 30, 1999, the Hotan Municipal Security Directorate arrested a Turkish girl, a middle school student, on the grounds that her writing resembled that of a poster that had been put up in the street. During a speech made by Regional General Secretary Wang Le Chuan in Hotan, which was closed to the press, he announced that a primary school student had been arrested because he had torn the picture of Chairman Mao on the cover of his school book.38
describe in great detail the oppression and
cruelty faced by Muslims in occupied East Turkestan.
Hundreds of Muslims are killed in organized
executions. Thousands more are still in prison,
awaiting execution.
EXAMPLES OF MAO-STYLE TORTURE The name of Mao Tse Tung is remembered today for cruelty and brutality. He had unimaginable tortures inflicted on, not just the people of East Turkestan, but on his own people as well. The actions of the Red Guards under Mao's instructions during the barbaric period known as the Cultural Revolution in particular, were crimes against humanity. The following are just a few of them: To put those special handcuffs tightly on the wrists of a prisoner was a form of torture commonly used in Maoist China's prison system. Sometimes additional chains were put around the ankles of the prisoners. At other times a prisoner might be manacled and then have his handcuffs tied to a bar on the window so that he could not move away from the window to eat, drink, or go to the toilet. The purpose was to degrade a man in order to destroy his morale… Since the People's Government claimed to have abolished all forms of torture, the officials simply called such methods "punishment"' or "persuasion." 1 The whole people were invited to public trials of "counterrevolutionaries," who almost invariably were condemned to death… Everyone participated in the executions, shouting out "kill, kill" to the Red Guards whose task it was to cut victims into pieces. Sometimes the pieces were cooked and eaten, or force-fed to members of the victim's family who were still alive and looking on. 2 In The Black Book of Communism an observer described the inhuman treatment meted out to university professors detained during the days of Mao: Hanging from their necks were pails filled with rocks. I saw the principal: the pail around his neck was so heavy that the wire had cut deep into his neck and he was staggering. All were barefoot, hitting broken gongs or pots as they walked around the field crying out: "I am black gangster so-and-so." Finally, they all knelt down, burned incense, and begged Mao Zedong to "pardon their crimes."… A few girls nearly fainted. Beatings and torture followed. I had never seen such tortures before: eating nightsoil and insects, being subjected to electric shocks, being forced to kneel on broken glass, being hanged "like an airplane" by the arms and legs. 3 The same book also mentions the prisons: The most varied and sadistic tortures were quite common, such as hanging by the wrists or thumbs…. The most brutish people were allowed to operate with impunity. One camp commander assassinated or buried alive 1,320 people in one year, in addition to carrying out numerous rapes. 4 |
The laogai in China are the equivalent of Hitler's concentration camps and Stalin's gulags. The laogai system is intended to totally dominate people's thoughts, and turn them into slaves. It is one of the Chinese state's most important control mechanisms. So far some 20 million people have lost their lives in these camps. The aim behind these camps is "re-education" by means of forced labor. One of the most frequently employed slogans is "Forced labor is a means, and a revolution in thought the end." To put it more clearly, the intention behind the laogai is to use all possible means to oblige those who are seen as a potential threat to conform to the Communist Party's wishes. That in turn means humiliation, oppression, enslavement and torture.
These camps are often concealed by using other names for them, and may look like factories, mines or farms to fit the name. An article in The Washington Post described one of these camps, "Hunan Special Electric Machine Factory," or "Hunan Province No. 1 Prison," in which 2-3,000 prisoners are forced to work for an average of 16 hours a day. The factory used to make industrial generators, but now produces various goods such as wigs, medicine boxes, gloves, and Christmas lights.40
Laogai camps are actually intended to punish prisoners, and inmates are exploited by being forced to work under very harsh conditions. The inmates of laogai camps have no rights. They are made to work in state factories, mines, and farms, and to abide by the rules. An individual is kept in these camps until the authorities decide he has been completely reformed (in other words, torture and cruelty are applied until he is molded and obedient to the Communist Party's wishes.) That can sometimes take a whole lifetime, as even if a prisoner has served his entire sentence, he is still kept in the camp to carry out other tasks until the administration decides he has reformed. It is known that, as of 1997, there were more than 1,000 laogai camps in China as a whole, with 8-10 million inmates.41
Millions of people have died in the Chinese concentration camps known as laogai. Even the few books that have described what goes on in these camps are sufficient to reveal the ruthlessness of the communist regime. |
The income from what the prisoners produce forms an important part of the Chinese budget. One study in 1999 revealed that 99 laogai camps recorded annual sales figures of 842.7 million dollars.42 In other words, a great many of those people all over the world who use goods made in China are actually using products made by forced labor in Red Chinese state camps. For example, China is one of the world's major tea producers and one-third of the tea it exports comes from laogai camps. The worker slaves in those camps produce 120 different varieties of tea, and are punished if their products are not up to a sufficiently high standard.43
Hitler's concentration camps and Stalin's gulags were replaced in China by the laogai. Most of the people in them were supporters of democracy and human rights, and were accused of opposing the regime. The aim was to mould these people into the shape the communist regime wanted. To that end, prisoners are forced to work 10-16 hours a day in the most terrible conditions, and were humiliated and tortured.
In fact, one of communist ideology's fundamental principles, the idea that "people are only important so long as they are productive, and the important thing is to increase production," also applies in the laogai. In the view of the Chinese Communist Party, human beings are the most important means of production, and everyone must serve as vehicles of that production. Violence is, in turn, the most effective way of raising production. Harry Wu, who spent 19 years in the laogai, now claims asylum in the United States. He has since used the Laogai Association he founded as a means of fighting the human rights violations in China. Wu calculates that the laogai make a profit of some 100 million dollars a year, a figure that has been accepted in official statements from Beijing.44
As we have seen, the laogai are not simply a prison system, but rather an important political tool for the survival of the Communist Party. Mao expressed this in these words:
Marxism holds that the state is a machine of violence for one class to rule another. Laogai facilities are one of the violence components of the state machine. They are tools representing the interests of the proletariat and the people's masses and exercising dictatorship over a minority of hostile elements originating from the exploiter classes.45
No matter how much the Chinese government attempts to conceal the true nature of these camps, those people who have spent many years in them, and then found asylum abroad, keep telling the world about what goes on in the laogai. One of these is Jean Pasqualini who spent many years in a laogai. He claims that the laogai is not an institution, as has been claimed, but rather a system of torture. He describes how the most inhuman things possible go on in these camps. Pasqualini claims deceptive language is employed by Red China when discussing the laogai or the punishment of prisoners. In his view:
Prisoners in China are still compelled to work, to "reconstruct socialism with their two hands," in order to "reform themselves," to be "born once again," to become "new men." Slave laborers in "Laogai" brigades not only work hard under inhumane conditions merely to purge their crimes but also to "expiate for their sins." The Chinese penal system has a very peculiar vocabulary: nearly every inhumane terminology has a human correlation. One is never "punished," one "undergoes reform." Prisons are often called "schools" where one serves time by "studying and learning" and "reforming oneself." A prisoner never gets beaten, he is "given a lesson." He never gets insulted, he just gets "criticized." And the jail authorities lose no time to let you know that "criticism is proof that the government is concerned about you. Without criticism there can be no progress!" Informers are those who help the government (that is, the warders) to do its work well. They also "help" prisoners to "recognize their mistakes." The word "help" is considered the most frightful term in the prison vocabulary by the prisoners! Prisoners don't spy on each other, they just engage in "mutual supervision." Prisoners who have served out their time are said to have graduated or "have gone back to society," "to have obtained a new lease on life" or to have "once again joined the ranks of the people".46
A news report headed 'Work and be silent' in the
French magazine Le Courrier International
revealed the full details of the repressive nature of the camps. The report spoke of minors under age 18 being forced to work without pay and locked in cells like stables at night. The article described how the Guangdong camps in particular were no better than the concentration camps of World War II, and concluded: "It is a truly terrible situation. These people are in an awful position in which it is difficult even to survive…"
This deceptive terminology employed by the Chinese communists was described in George Orwell's 1984, and recalls the Ministry of Love, whose true purpose was to inflict suffering. This false terminology employed by communist totalitarianism can be seen in all areas of life. Jean Pasqualini discusses that peculiar terminology:
The dictatorship of the proletariat has now given way to the "People's Democratic Dictatorship." As if a dictatorship can be democratic. Or democracy can tolerate a dictatorship. One has to be one or the other. Not both! The terminology has changed, but its purpose remains the same. The terrible famine of early '60s that claimed 20 million lives was for a long time officially known as the "three years of temporary economic difficulties (or hardship)." Not a single word about the victims of the consequences of the Great Leap Forward which continued to be extolled during the catastrophic period. On the contrary, the situation then was described as being "good and great."47
Under the pretext of medical aid, benefiting the sick, and research, for years the Red Chinese administration has sold the internal organs of people condemned to death in order to provide itself with income. In fact, victims' organs are sold for high profit. After people have been executed, the state makes an average 10-15,000 dollars profit out of each usable organ. Under the law "On the Use of Executed Prisoners' Corpses or Organs" issues in the '70s, the use of such organs was legalized. If a prisoner has no family, or if he or they have given permission for his organs to be used after death, those organs are removed and sold after sentence has been carried out.
That might seem quite acceptable, but one can see how unjust this policy actually is when the prevailing conditions in China are considered.
Thousands of people are executed every year in communist China.The bodies are then skinned and their kidneys removed. Once the organs have been removed, the bodies are then regarded as waste products, bagged up, and thrown onto a rubbish heap.
As we have already seen, human life is probably the cheapest thing of all in China, and an average of 300 people a month are executed. The great majority of those who are executed have nobody to look out for their interests because families are often not told where prisoners are kept. They only learn their relatives have been killed after the event. Most of the time the families of those killed hesitate to ask for the body out of fear of retaliation. This then justifies the extraction of internal organs from almost all victims' bodies. Harry Wu describes this fact with an example from his own life:
It is universally known that Mainland China is a society closely controlled by the communist party. In the People's Republic of China, as soon as one is labeled by the Beijing government as a "class enemy" or a "counterrevolutionary," almost all relatives keep aloof from him/her, or accuse and cast him/her aside… During my long nineteen years in the Laogai camp systems practically no relatives came to see me. I strongly believe that should I have been executed then, my body would have fallen under the category "nobody claims or family refuses to claim the body" and could have been "used" by the government for a profit.48
What is more, even if families do hear about an execution, the Red Chinese government feels no great need to secure their permission. In one way or another, it will prevail upon them to donate their relative's organs. In 1997, in New York, one Chinese physician described how the internal organs of those condemned to death are removed without permission by the Chinese authorities:
Harry Wu |
Before Wu Hongda (Harry Wu) testified [in the United States], there was nothing like "consent," but now [the Chinese government] has certain formalities, and prisoners must go through the formalities willy-nilly, so when foreigners ask about this, we have something to tell them. Please don't worry!49
Harry Wu quoted a hospital cadre who had many times extracted organs at execution sites as saying, "A shot in [his] head, blow away his brain, and the guy is brain-dead. [He] has no more thinking, ceases to be a human being, just a thing, and we use the waste,"50 revealing the attitude of the Chinese government. That is, killing prisoners is perfectly acceptable, and their bodies can be used for spare parts.
These organs are then sold by the state to hospitals abroad at extortionate prices. In fact, doctors in China advise patients from abroad to wait for the public execution season. Once organs have been removed from prisoners' bodies, the communist state says nothing about how and why they will be used. As always, Communist Party officials enjoy the highest priority. Then come foreign citizens or Chinese citizens living abroad. The local population can also make use of these organs only if they have the money to do so. Those with the very least access to these organs are the ordinary poor of society, no matter how great their need. That means the system is not for the benefit of humanity, but merely works to benefit Communist Party administrators and the elite. Most of the time the system goes ahead by stealing the organs of innocent people killed for having different beliefs or ideas than the party.
Dr. Wang Guoqi |
Research has shown that some 20,000 kidney transplants were carried out in China between the early 1970s and the middle of 1995. In its 1996 report, Amnesty International said that the organs of 90 percent of people executed were removed. In its June 27, 2001, edition The Washington Post printed claims by a doctor involved in the organ trade, which underlined how widespread this trade was in China.
According to the story, burn specialist Wang Guoqi, participated in more than 100 operations during which organs were removed from the bodies of dead prisoners. Guoqi helped to collect prisoners' skin and corneas, and witnessed how organs were sold for enormous prices at the Tianjin Paramilitary Police General Brigade Hospital where he worked. Dr. Guoqi provided the time and date of the executions, the names of the doctors who took part in the operations, and the medical procedures involved and described in considerable detail how, after being killed, the prisoners would immediately be loaded onto ambulances and their organs removed. The bodies were later taken to the crematorium, where Dr. Guoqi and other doctors would strip off the corpses' skin. Dr. Guoqi explains that:
After all extractable tissues and organs were taken, what remained was an ugly heap of muscles, the blood vessels still bleeding, or all viscera exposed. Then the corpse was handed to the workers at the crematorium.51
Even worse, Chinese officials did not always wait for the prisoner to die before removing organs. One incident experienced by Dr. Guoqi illustrates this. An officer shot a prisoner, and although he was still alive, the doctors were ordered to take to the ambulance. As urologists immediately began removing his kidneys, and Guoqi and the other burn surgeons harvested the skin. They then placed the remains of the half dead prisoner in a plastic bag and threw him onto a rubbish heap.52
Up can be seen an article that appeared in The Observer called "China sells organs of slain convicts." The story reported that the organs were generally sold to rich patients from abroad. Based on a number of sources, the price of a kidney is in the region of $10,000. The fact that thousands of people are executed in China every year helps to show why the Chinese government is so insistent on continuing the organ trade. |
China has the largest population of any country in the world, and has long attached great importance to family planning in order to ensure social stability, enforced by a number of legal sanctions. Yet in any society that has no fear of God and where religious and spiritual values have no importance, it is easy for a system to turn truly horrifying. In China, instead of educating families and offering proper planning with a variety of medical alternatives, population control can be carried out even by killing babies while still in the mother's womb, or shortly after birth. This truly ghastly situation reveals the level of insensitivity and callousness of a society that lives with no notion of God, and has destroyed all its spiritual values, can descend into.
Nobody knows exactly how many women in China have had to undergo forcible abortions, but even if the figure were only 1 percent, that would still mean that millions of children had been murdered.
Another aspect of Chinese brutality is the policy of forced abortions. Women who are not permitted to have children are either made to undergo abortions, even if they are in an advanced stage of pregnancy, or else their children are killed after birth.
Gao Xiao Duan, the head of a "planned birth" office who sought asylum in the United States in 1998, made claims that once again drew the attention of world public opinion to the problem of abortion in China. At a press conference, Duan described to the whole world how he had witnessed women in China being forcibly sterilized to prevent them from having children, and how babies taken from their mother's wombs were left to die. In one incident he described, a nine-month pregnant woman's baby was taken away from her because her papers included the words "no birth certificate allowed":
In the operating room, I saw how the aborted child's lips were sucking, how its limbs were stretching. A doctor injected poison into its skull, and the child died and was thrown into the trash can.53
A report on the famous news channel CNN described how Gao Duan had given evidence before the USA Senate Foreign Relations Department. Gao said that he had felt like a "monster" during the 14 years he served, and among the evidence he offered was a video cassette showing a center where women were forced to undergo abortions. Scenes from the video can be seen on the CNN web site.
Another example of children being killed was an incident in the Caidian village in the province of Hubei, which was reported in the world media despite the restrictions on news and communications in China. The Times carried the story, which horrified the whole world:
China has been shaken by one of the most horrifying cases of official infanticide in recent memory after family planners drowned a healthy baby in front of its parents… She [the baby's mother] was forcibly injected with a saline solution to induce labor and kill the child. However, the baby was born healthy, to the surprise of family planning officials who had ordered the injection, which ordinarily destroys the infant's nervous system. Immediately after the birth, they ordered the father to kill the child outside the hospital. He refused to obey but was so scared of further punishment that he left the crying baby behind in an office building, where it was found by a doctor shortly afterwards. The doctor took the baby back to the hospital and reunited it with its mother and sent the family home. Five officials were waiting for them in their living room. During the ensuing argument, the officials grabbed the baby, dragged it out of the house and drowned it in a paddy field in front of its parents.54
nother important issue to consider when evaluating the Chinese family planning policy, as implemented in East Turkestan in particular, is the justifications given by the Chinese government in defending that policy. The most striking of these is the slogan "Forming a better quality nation." One often comes across this Darwinist slogan in fascist regimes, and it is a sign of the implementation of the theory of eugenics in China, which first came to light in the nineteenth century. The theory of eugenics means elimination of the sick and handicapped and the "improvement" of a race by encouraging healthy individuals to multiply. The best known example was the systematic killing carried out by the Nazis in order to build the Aryan race. (For details see Harun Yahya's Fascism: The Bloody Ideology of Darwinism, Arastirma Publishing, Istanbul, 2002).
The way the policy is implemented with regards to Muslims takes on more serious dimensions when ruthlessness and cruelty are unchecked. From time to time Chinese families are permitted more than the allowed number of children (or only very mild punishments are imposed for having larger families than allowed). Yet Muslims are, under no circumstances, allowed to have more than one child. Muslim women pregnant with a second child may be removed from their homes, even during the eighth or ninth month of pregnancy, and the baby removed. In fact, Chinese units generally move around from village to village and town to town, loading women about to have a second child onto trucks. The abortions are carried out under primitive conditions, and as a result the mothers frequently die.
As a result of this policy, the birth rate in East Turkestan has declined by some 19 percent over the last nine years.55 Arslan Alptekin, the son of the late leader Isa Yusuf Alptekin, recounts the stories of two of the hundreds of women who have died after forced abortions:
On May 6, 1986, a 29-year-old woman by the name of Turahan Aysem died from loss of blood after an abortion had been performed on her. In August, 1997, a woman called Cholpanham from the Toksu district of East Turkestan was forced to have an abortion because she was pregnant, and her husband was fined 3,000 yuan … Taken from her home by force, the woman fled the clinic at the first opportunity, took shelter in a cemetery and gave birth by herself. She was then taken home by another individual. However, she was detained again following a tip-off, and the baby was killed by being plunged into hot water at the police station she was taken to. Unable to bear the agony of that, the mother also died.56
One official from East Turkestan who did not want to identified said that, in a town of 200,000 people, some 35,000 pregnant women were subjected to government "checks", and 686 were obliged to have abortions. 993 women were forced to discontinue their pregnancies, and 10,708 women were forced to undergo sterilization. Again, according to the same official, in another town of 180,000 people only about 1,000 women were allowed to give birth (one woman out of every 35). At the same time, 40 people were sacked from their jobs because their wives were pregnant.57
Similar examples of such brutal family planning methods have been employed by dictators and despots in order to impose their own ideologies and secure their own regimes. One such was Pharaoh, who has gone down in history for the suffering he inflicted on a people who refused to abide by his false man-made religion, but had faith in God. Just like the atheist leaders in Red China, Pharaoh tried to prevent the number of believers growing and the weakening of his own authority over them by oppressing them and killing their children. This is described in the Qur'an:
Pharaoh exalted himself arrogantly in the land and divided its people into camps, oppressing one group of them by slaughtering their sons and letting their women live. He was one of the corrupters. (Qur'an, 28:4)
However, God punished Pharaoh for his brutality, causing him to die in a manner that served as a lesson to all. There is no doubt that those who share a similar mindset to Pharaoh and refuse to abandon their own cruel ways will meet a similar fate to those who have gone before them.
One of the assimilation policies implemented by China in East Turkestan is the systematic, organized migration of Chinese people to the region. This is actually the final stage of China's great plan for East Turkestan. After Muslims of East Turkestan are arrested, killed, sent to labor camps and forced to leave their land and, by encouraging Chinese settlement, they gradually reduce the local Muslims population. In this way, the Muslims who now represent the majority in East Turkestan will be systematically reduced in numbers, and will eventually have no claim to their own land.
When Mao seized power in China, Uighur Turks made up 93 percent of the population of East Turkestan, and Chinese only 6-7 percent. Over the 50 years that followed, the Chinese population has risen to 42 percent. It is estimated there are now more than 6 million Chinese in East Turkestan, whereas 50 years ago there had been fewer than 300,000. Policies, such as improving agriculture and protecting migrants, were brought in at the beginning of the 1950s to support the Chinese settlers in East Turkestan. The rise in ethnic tensions in the region at the beginning of the 1980s was accompanied by a relaxing in official policies in support of Chinese migration. That did not mean, however, that the government had abandoned its aim of turning the region into a Chinese province. This time, the Chinese element of the population was raised, thanks to the number of qualified personnel moved in to man the factories installed to serve the Chinese economy in East Turkestan.
China's policy of eroding the Muslim Turkish presence had the effect of making Muslims second class citizens in their own land in the face of the Chinese settlers. The settlers who poured into the country were placed in the most productive areas, and the local people were forced to move into arid ones. The Chinese are able to enjoy all political, economic, technological and social benefits, while the Muslims have grown ever poorer. The difference in the living standards of the local Muslims and the Chinese settlers is described by Arslan Alptekin:
The Turks are made to do the very hardest jobs for subsistence wages, while the Chinese migrants are given special political and economic privileges. The Muslim people live in rural areas or in shanty towns, while special settlement areas with full infrastructure have been built for the Chinese migrants. Social inequality is weighted against the Turkish people from all points of view.58
China's attempts to increase the number of Chinese in East Turkestan were sped up in the 1990s. In order to justify that increase, the Red Chinese government speaks about various economic investments, and special projects, most of which have been developed solely with that in mind. For instance, the October, 1992, edition of the Hong Kong magazine Trend disclosed a secret program which planned the settlement of 5 million Chinese in East Turkestan by the year 2000. This figure does not include the People's Liberation Army units who are permanently stationed there, qualified Chinese personnel, or convicted Chinese criminals who have been deliberately sent to the region.59
Following the communist takeover, one of the most important elements of Mao's Great Leap Forward was the investments made in ethnically differentiated regions such as East Turkestan. Within the framework of the program, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), known as the Bin tuan, was set up in the 1950s with the alleged purpose of developing East Turkestan. The so-called civilian members of that force were supposed to reconstruct this backward area of China. As a result, ethnic Chinese were brought in from all parts of the country and began working in the camps that had been set up.
As the military units that had been brought in to quell the Muslim uprising against the Chinese administration found they had less to do, the unit set up to support agricultural development programs was dissolved in 1975. In 1981, the Bin tuan was reformed under the peculiar name "Xth Agricultural Division," and is still active today. It consists of some 2.28 million people, 1 million of whom are workers. Its responsibilities include ruthlessly suppressing Muslim independence movements, running the laogai labor camps, and bringing in hundreds of thousands of Chinese criminals and settling them in East Turkestan.
As many academics have revealed, the Bin tuan's real purpose is the colonialization of East Turkestan. In his book New Ghosts Old Ghosts - Prisons and Labor Reform Camps in China, for instance, James D. Seymour of Columbia University's East Asian Institute and Richard Anderson provide considerable detail about the Bin tuan, and unravel the links between the organization and the prisons and labor camps. Bin tuan is established along the border separating the north and south of East Turkestan. It has jurisdiction over several million hectares of land and is largely made up of ethnic Chinese. It is independent of the Uighur Autonomous Administration and has its own security forces, courts, and agricultural and industrial enterprises. It also runs a large network of labor camps and prisons.60
More surprisingly, these so-called "production units" of Red China that violate human rights are financed by the World Bank. China set out a number of programs under the Great Leap Forward and secured World Bank support for them. A number of work areas were to be set up, allegedly to regenerate East Turkestan and help it to develop, which would both help the economy and create employment for the local population. Yet, the project actually developed in a very different way than the paper plan. These work areas were labor camps to punish China's criminals, principally Muslims. The revenues obtained went, not to the local economy, but to the central economy. That was the true face of the Great Leap Forward project backed by the World Bank. A 1998 report by Dr. Paul George emphasized how Harry Wu described the position:
The World Bank became embroiled in a major controversy over the XPCC in 1996 when the leading Chinese dissident, Harry Wu, testified before the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the organization was running 14 forced labour camps, or Laogai, in Xinjiang under Bank supported development projects. The World Bank loans had been aimed at helping the Uighurs but, according to testimony from two Uighur former officials from the XPCC, had actually strengthened government control over the region and facilitated a crackdown against anti-Chinese dissidents.61
Officials estimate that, in the years that followed, the amount of land controlled by the Bin tuan actually tripled. That is because an independent Chinese province was slowly emerging within East Turkestan. Moreover, China always looked on the organization as one of the basic elements in ensuring stability in East Turkestan. One important example of this was the way that, after an uprising in Gulja in 1997, the Bin tuan 4th Unit was positioned in the region and used to capture and arrest Muslims. Still today the organization is still performing its role of intimidating Muslims.
The Red Chinese regime sends hundreds of thousands of people convicted of murder, rape and theft to East Turkestan, but those who have served their sentences are still not allowed to return to China. The great majority of these people are settled on land that Muslims have been thrown off. Such people are known as "reformed farmers," and are allowed to bring their families to join them, and thus to settle in East Turkestan.
Together with a rise in the numbers of these so-called reformed farmers, the crime rate in East Turkestan has also risen, particularly murder, rape, theft and child kidnapping against the Muslim population. Very seldom are kidnapped children found. The Muslim people fear that such children are either taken to China and sold, or else killed and their bodies used in the organ trade. The police, who are again mainly Chinese, refuse to take Muslims' complaints seriously, and often do little to properly protect them.62
What we have seen in considerable detail are examples of Darwinist-communist brutality. Women forced to undergo abortions and being subjected to inhuman practices, (such as the killing of babies in their cradles under the pretext of population control) and the use of people as guinea pigs in nuclear tests (which will be examined in more detail in the later sections of the book) are all the result of the Darwinist idea that regards people as animals. Such cruelty is the implementation in a communist state of the Darwinist suggestion that sees life as a struggle of self interest. It can only be brought to an end when that dark ideology is wiped off the face of the earth.
ISRAEL ARMS THE CHINESE ARMY When one compares China's actions in East Turkestan with those of Israel in Palestine, one encounters a number of similarities, even though the former has a communist form of government and the latter a capitalist one. Both countries are engaged upon a campaign of genocide against Muslims. Both states are occupying lands that belong to Muslims, and the Muslim populations are forced to live under military, political and economic occupation. Torture, groundless detentions, massacre and slaughter are some of the commonest words in both regions. This similarity between China and Israel has formed the basis of cooperation between them. China obtains some weapons for its People's Liberation Army from Israel. The military relationship between China and Israel began in the first half of the 1970s. Israel first helped the Chinese army update its old Soviet weapons. After the mid-1980s, official contact was established between the Chinese and Israeli ambassadors at the United Nations. This relationship was furthered under such pretexts as "agricultural cooperation," but what really kept it on its feet were the arms China secured from Israel. The considerable quantities of arms sales by Israel to China were carried out by Israeli businessman Shaul Eisenberg, who worked for Mossad. After everything had been placed on a firm footing, secret agreements and delivery were the responsibility of Mossad.1
During a visit by Yitzhak Rabin to Beijing in 1993, cooperation agreements were signed between Israel and China on nuclear testing and technology. The scale of the military cooperation between the two countries, which continued to develop further in the ensuing years, was discussed by the Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post in its September 10, 1998, issue: Israel's got the defense technology. China wants it. The Chinese seem to value the Jewish mind highly. But what they clearly want is "technology," and the high-tech weapons systems Jewish minds in Israel have developed during 50 years of conflict and several wars… Israel's defense ties with China go back to the late 1970s, way before diplomatic relations were established in 1992… Hundreds of skilled Israeli technicians, engineers and weapons experts began surfacing in China - having reportedly entered using passports of various countries - and were soon busy at work. The Sino-Israel partnership only became public knowledge during a military parade in Beijing, when Western military attaches noticed that the tanks being displayed were equipped with an Israeli-invented "thermal fume-extraction sleeve" on the barrels of their cannons.2 At the basis of this rapprochement lies the unease felt by China at the rise of Islam in East Turkestan or the regions around it. In the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, it was reported that the Chinese-Israeli alliance was based on China's attempts to "neutralize Islamic movements", and that China was alarmed at the presence of some 20 million Muslims in East Turkestan.3 |
One of the projects prepared by China to settle another 5 million Chinese in East Turkestan was described in the International Herald Tribune. The report not only discussed the project itself, but also drew attention to the similarities between the practices in China and Israel. Under the project, a 14 billion dollar investment was to be made in a region in which Chinese people had been a minority for hundreds of years (in other words, East Turkestan), and this would allow the agricultural and underground resources of the region to be used at full capacity by the Chinese economy.
The project was actually a cunning way of disguising further Chinese migration into the region. Despite all the investments and advantages bestowed on Chinese migrants, their numbers had actually dropped. The Chinese government therefore began to establish Chinese settlements in exactly the same way that Israel is now doing in Palestinian territory. In order to make migration seem more attractive to Chinese people facing hunger and poverty in other regions, a number of economic investments were planned. The aim was to prevent a return wave of migration back to China and to tilt the population balance in China's favor.
As we have seen, the plan bore all the signs of Israeli colonialism. It appears that not only does Israel support China by selling it arms and providing intelligence, but it also recommends that Red China employ the same methods of violence and repression (since it believes that these have been successful) that it used against the Muslims of Palestine. Just like Israel, Red China has occupied a land that does not belong to it, and in the same way that Israel constantly builds settlements on Palestinian lands in the face of protests from the whole world, China also intends to eliminate the Muslims from the land it has occupied by bringing in its own settlers.
The left picture from the French magazine Le Figaro documents the cruelty and torture inflicted on the people of East Turkestan by the Chinese police.Those who protest against the Chinese oppression of the people of East Turkestan are brought before the public and humiliated by Chinese troops. (right) This is generally followed by torture and death. |
The historian Michael Dillon, who teaches modern Chinese history at Britain's University of Durham, offered the following analysis of the intention behind this policy of China's in an article of his titled "China Goes West: Laudable Development? Ethnic Provocation?":
China is embarking on an ambitious project to develop its vast western regions, for centuries the poorest and least densely inhabited areas of the country. The overt motivation is an economic one, specifically the relief of poverty. But the "Go West" (Xibu da kaifa) project could dramatically alter the ethnic and social balance of the region and is likely to increase inter-ethnic conflict.63
As Dillon stated, the project is one of modern colonialism, aimed at increasing ethnic conflict in the region and thus justifying a policy of oppression against the Muslims of East Turkestan. Under the guise of economic reconstruction, China is also trying to finance this project with Western capital. Dillon describes the situation in these words: In these tense circumstances, economic development can never be merely a neutral device for the alleviation of poverty. It is a conscious political tool, designed to stabilize the western regions, which borders with Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan. Stabilization necessitates Chinese government suppression, by political or military means, of movements demanding autonomy or independence. The Chinese government is thus caught in a bind. China cannot attract foreign capital [to] China's West if there is constant danger of riots, demonstrations and sabotage. 64
The words "economic reconstruction," are actually a tool employed by China to attract foreign capital into the region. The real aim is to uphold a system and its component bodies that will allow it to exploit the region for its own interests. As we saw in the preceding section, China has managed to take advantage of foreign capital under a number of pretexts, and used it to oppress the Muslims of East Turkestan and to violate their human rights in a most ruthless manner. For instance, a similar reconstruction plan was implemented in Kashgar, and Muslim farmers were forced off their own lands and obliged to work elsewhere. In fact, every initiative that Red China has undertaken to pull the wool over the eyes of the West has resulted in greater oppression of Muslims, a rise in violence, and in their being forced to give up their land to the Chinese. It is quite obvious that if this latest Israeli-inspired plan goes ahead it will just mean greater suffering and difficulties for the local Muslim people.
East Turkestan is today known in political literature as the "Uighur Autonomous Region of Sinkiang." The concept of "autonomous administration" means a form of government that answers not to the wishes and instructions of central administration, but rather to the needs and wishes of the majority of the population, and is indeed semi-independent. However, the form of autonomous administration practiced in East Turkestan bears little similarity to this generally accepted definition. Although Uighur Turks are found in the various administrative bodies in the region, it is impossible for them to act in the light of the wishes and needs of the people, because, although they may be in charge of offices, they actually enjoy little real authority.
Any administrator who tries to act in the light of the people's wishes and needs is often punished by being removed from his post. In the event of any dispute between a Chinese administrator and an Uighur one, the East Turkestanian is usually punished.
Communist China's economic encirclement of East Turkestan has led to the local population living in misery and poverty. |
Autonomous administration, authority, equality between different ethnic groups, minority rights, and other rights that are protected by law, are all regularly being violated by Beijing (which prepared the laws). All authority lies in the hands of the Chinese. The political, economic, supervisory and military decision-making powers of those ethnic groups that are appointed to autonomous administration bodies as puppets are all actually under the control of the Chinese Communist Party. The article "Pekin's Campaign to Destroy Uighur Culture" by the German writer Ulrich Schmid sets out the position in these terms:
In other words, the real pattern of power here in China's most northwesterly province differs vastly from the rosy façade… in China the real power lies not with the organs of government but with the leadership of the Communist Party at various levels.65
In a report about East Turkestan, Der Spiegel magazine said that the area was a Chinese colony rather than having an autonomous administration, and that Chinese administrators were insensitive to the Muslim Uighur population:
The Chinese rule in Xinjiang is in every respect a colonial phenomenon. Although they have lived in this country for decades none of the Chinese officials speak the local language. They are not interested in the country where they earn their living. They undermine the local peoples' customs. In brief, the Chinese officials hate the local people...66
Another indication that East Turkestan is not autonomous, but rather a colonized country, is the fact that the people under the administration are not free to travel as they wish in their own land. Despite Article 5 of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Treaty, the Chinese government restricts freedom of movement in East Turkestan. People in East Turkestan are not allowed to migrate from one village to another, or to another province or city at will, but need to obtain permission first. That is why 90 percent of the East Turkestan population live in rural areas. Restrictions are imposed on their right to travel abroad. Even though they may have no record of any kind, most people are not allowed to go abroad (or even to travel to other regions in China).
The list of similar methods of oppression is long. Another example is, East Turkestan Muslims are not allowed to go on the hajj pilgrimage, which is an obligation incumbent on all able Muslims. When 1,200 Uighurs were ready to go abroad to participate in the hajj in 1999, their passports were seized by the police, and 122 elderly Uighurs who objected were detained.67
China's |
China's constantly sending Chine migrants to East
Turkestan results in the Muslim population having
to leave their homes and resettle in rural areas.
The Muslims enjoyvery few possibilities, and are
able to educate their children under the most difficult conditions.
Despite all its underground wealth and fertile land, East Turkestan is currently one of the poorest regions in China. This contradiction can be easier understood by bearing in mind that East Turkestan is a supplier of raw materials for the Chinese economy. Such underground resources as uranium, natural gas, oil, and gold are transferred from East Turkestan to China, and all aspects of the use of these resources are under central government control. The Muslims of East Turkestan, to whom those resources actually belong, cannot even find out the production levels, nor what their share of the profit actually is.
A brief look at the statistics will suffice to demonstrate the vital importance to China of East Turkestan's natural resources. In the first quarter of 1989, East Turkestan sent 7.68 million barrels of crude oil, 906 thousand tons of coal, and 444 thousand tons of raw salt to China.68 In 1993, 10.4 million metric tons of crude oil were extracted in East Turkestan, yet all the profit went to China.69 China exploits East Turkestan's resources for its own economy and citizens, and condemns the Muslim population to poverty and hunger.
Economic oppression is an important part of the genocide that China is carrying out in East Turkestan. Most of the East Turkestan population are today living in poverty, and more than 80 percent subsist below the minimum dietary threshold. On account of the discriminatory policies that are also pursued in the field of education, Muslim Uighurs are unable to educate themselves to find better employment.
Since almost all areas of employment in East Turkestan are in Chinese hands, the Muslim population is facing a severe unemployment problem. Yet despite this, the Chinese government still keeps transferring people from the west of China to work in the region. In this way the government is not only trying to alter the population balance in its own favor, but is also trying to maintain control of the East Turkestan economy. The statistics reveal the scale of China's repressive policies: Only ten percent of the 200,000 industrial workers around the capital, Urumchi, are Uighurs, the rest are Chinese. Only 10 percent of the workers in a textile plant near Urumchi are Uighurs. The number of Uighurs in one textile plant near Kashgar which employs 12,000 people is only 800. A tractor factory near Urumchi has 2,100 workers, yet only 13 of these are Uighurs. A new petro-chemical plant was opened in the city of Poskam in 1986, and all of the 2,200 workers are Chinese.71
The number of Chinese oil companies coming to East Turkestan in search of oil has grown rapidly since 1989, although almost all of the 20,000 workers employed in the Tarim Basin alone were selected from among the Chinese population.72 This discriminatory policy against the people of East Turkestan has gone so far that Chinese people who know nothing about the region's history, culture or civilization have started working there as tourist guides. In this way, China is able to keep control of the information imparted to those tourists who do visit the region, and in this way prevent the Muslims of East Turkestan from having their voices heard.
Muslims who make a living from agriculture have been made to pay higher taxes under new laws passed by Red China. In some regions, farmers are made to sell their produce to the state for half the normal price, whereas higher prices are paid to Chinese farmers. Some lands belonging to Muslim farmers are compulsorily purchased, and these people are then obliged to join the ranks of the unemployed and the poor. The unpaid compulsory service that the Muslims of East Turkestan are compelled to provide also makes life even harder for the already impoverished farmers. Under this unjust system, Muslim Uighurs in East Turkestan are forced to work on the job given them by the Communist Party without pay for a month, or a month and a half, every year. Yet the Chinese, in flagrant violation of the period set out in the relevant law, make the local population (and the farmers in particular) work unpaid for five or six months a year. The Turkish farmers spend most of their time working like slaves on their own land, and live in poverty in the midst of great wealth.73
THE MUSLIM POPULATION IS CONDEMNED TO POVERTY WHILE MANY CHINESE LIVE IN PLENTY There is a huge difference in living standards in those areas of East Turkestan inhabited by Chinese settlers and those where the Uighur Turks form the majority. Urumchi , for instance, the capital, with its large numbers of Chinese, looks just like a modern city, while Kashgar, with its mainly Muslim population suffers from lack of infrastructure and poverty caused by the exploitation of its natural resources. Most of the people have great difficulties making ends meet, and transportation is by horse and cart over earth tracks. The basic reason for this is the continuing cruelty inflicted by the Chinese government on the people of East Turkestan for more than half a century. The people have had all their economic, political and legal rights taken away from them, and are forced to live within the parameters set out for them by the Communist Party. Few Muslims live in Urumchi, with its luxury hotels, shopping centers, plazas and motorways, and those who do run small restaurants or work as cleaners or janitors etc. The people have no right to invest or engage in commerce, and are therefore restricted to certain kinds of jobs. This shows that the people of East Turkestan, the cradle of a deep-rooted civilization which enjoys rich natural resources, are treated as second-class citizens in their own land. |
slaves in their own land, and are impoverished in the midst
of plenty.
Akit, 12.10.00 NUCLEAR VICTIMS |
Despite the opposition of a great many international organizations, China has carried out a number of nuclear tests in the Lop Nor district of East Turkestan since 1961. These tests lead to major destruction of the natural environment in the region, and severe damage to its ecological balance endangering human life, polluting drinking water and food supplies. As a result, thousands of animals have perished and a large number of people have died, and there has been a huge increase in the number of babies born with deformities.
Egitim Bilim Dergisi, 11.00 THE HUMAN TRAGEDY IN EAST TURKESTAN According to official figures, 210,000 people have been slaughtered as a result of atom and thermo-nuclear bomb tests. Independent observers put the figure at 250,000. Akit, 12.10.00 EAST TURKESTAN, ANOTHER WORD FOR GENOCIDE Communist China has slaughtered 210,000 innocent people in nuclear tests alone. |
Although the number of victims of the nuclear tests in East Turkestan has not been officially revealed, it is estimated that some 210,000 people have died from radioactive fallout. Radioactive fallout also gives rise to cancer, and a 10 percent rise in the number of incidents of cancer has been recorded.74 In a 1993 report, released by the Registry of the People's Hospital of Urumchi, no more than a handful of fatal incidents of cancer were recorded in the 1960s, but this has risen to dozens by the 1970s. A later hospital report stated that new reports of cancer in this hospital number at least 70 a day out of an average 1,500 daily visits.75 Even worse is the fact that poor medical aid is provided for the region in which cancer and other diseases caused by radioactive pollution are rife.
With their deeds and great cruelty, Mao and his followers are actually an example of the mentality that has rejected the existence of God down the ages. From this point of view, Mao's practices bear similarities to the polytheists of Mecca who expelled the companions of the Prophet because of their belief, Nimrod who threw the Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, into the flames because he rejected the idols of the community in which he lived, and Pharaoh who killed the children of the People of Israel because they refused to accept his divinity and, instead, remained loyal to the Prophet Moses, peace be upon him.
The common feature of all these God-denying despots was that they regarded the true religion and those who lived by it as their greatest enemies. That enmity then turns into terrible anger and hatred, and they try to turn the believers from the true path by means of unbelievable torture and oppression. Yet they forget one thing: God is the Lord of all, and that the victory belongs to God and those who believe in Him. That is a law of God, and will apply in the same way in the future as it did in the past. By the will of God, believers will "certainly be given victory." (Qur'an, 37:172)
Harun Yahya