2009. április 11., szombat

Felhívás szolidaritási akcióra!!! A temerini ötökért!

Jelezzük a világ felé, hogy igen is összetartunk ha kell!
Kiáltsuk mind a négy égtáj felé, hogy egyetlen egy magyart sem hagyunk magára a bajban!
Mindenki, tegye ki, akár csak pár napra, az itt fellelhető képek közül a neki jobban tetszőt, személyi képként az iwiwre, akinek blogja, honlapja van szintén vegye át a képeket.
5 magyar fiú hosszú-hosszú hónapok óta rabságban sínylődik szerb börtönben.
Igazságtalan ítélet értelmében, egy fölgyorsított tárgyalás eredményeként összesen 61 év börtönbüntetést kaptak. Ők a Temerini Ötök, vagy másképpen a Temerini Fiúk:

Ifj. Máriás István (22) 15,
Illés Zsolt (26) 13,
Szakáll Zoltán (25) 11,5,
Uracs József (29) 11,5 ,
Horváth Árpád (19) 10 év börtönbüntetést kapott.

Helyzetükről, az előzményekről itt olvashatnak:

Temerini Fiúk,
István, Zsolt, Zoltán,József, Árpád:
Veletek vagyunk!
Tartsatok ki! A szabadság napja mindenképp felvirrad!

Alábbi képek és a korábbi bejegyzésben lévők: szabadon másolhatóak, terjeszthetők!


2009. április 10., péntek

2009. április 9., csütörtök

The US Military Strapped Pigs in Body Armor and Blew Them Up

Military 'Researchers' Strapped Pigs in Body Armor and Blew Them Up, All in the Name of Science

Posted by Liliana Segura, AlterNet at 12:55 PM on April 8, 2009.

The 'study' was conducted last year in an undisclosed location, with the supposed goal of linking bomb blasts and brain injuries.
As long as we're discussing the military budget, let's talk about this: Pentagon researchers spent nearly $10 million dollars last year strapping pigs in body armor and blowing them up.

No, really; USA Today reports:

"During an 11-month period of research ending in December, scientists wrapped pigs in body armor and placed them in a Humvee simulator, in open fields and in a closed room and subjected them to varying degrees of explosions at a research laboratory in a location researchers declined to disclose."

The explosions "ranged in intensity," according to military researchers, "wounding some of the pigs and killing others."

The point? To "study the link between roadside bomb blasts and brain injury." Roadside bombs, after all, are the "top killer of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Senseless pig killing aside, there's a perverse irony to this story, which is that the Pentagon only recently acknowledged that, as USA Today reports, "up to 360,000 veterans ... may have suffered brain injuries" known as "blast-induced neurotraumas." Until last month, the Department of Defense was too busy claiming all those soldiers were merely suffering from "mild concussions," or entirely imaginary ailments, as AlterNet contributor Nora Eisenberg wrote a few weeks back. So it comes as a bit of a surprise that military scientists spent the better part of last year trying to understand blast-induced brain injuries at all.

So what were their conclusions? Well, for one thing, "body armor does not worsen brain injury," researchers found, a statement that would seem to be masquerading as common sense were it not for the military's apparent concern that armor might "deflect the force of blasts towards the head." (It doesn’t.) Not surprisingly, pigs without body armor "died from blasts within 24 to 48 hours, while those with armor survived 'significantly higher blasts,'" according to Jan Walker, a spokeswoman for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, which conducted the study.

A visit to the DARPA website -- Powered by Ideas! -- makes no mention of its exploding pig research; the news page instead features its work on "game-changing cyber-innovation" and "next-generation academics" and other tech-genius sounding protjects. But Col. Geoffrey Ling, who led the slaughter research, defends its value, telling USA Today that "pigs are good subjects because their brains are more similar to human brains than those of rats.” (Which is confusing, given that rats were also used as exploding test subjects.)

Anyway, according to Walker, the Department of Defense "complied with policies that ensure that a minimal number of animals were used in the testing and that they were treated humanely at all times."

That is of course until they strapped the swine in body armor (or not) and blew them up, causing them to suffer bloody injuries or slow agonizing deaths -- all on taxpayers' dime!

Animal rights activists, who have long decried the cruel use of pigs in military experiments, are understandably critical of this latest round of violent animal testing. Martin Stephens, vice president for animal research issues at the U.S. Humane Society called on the Pentagon to stop its research on pigs, asking,"Is this the best they can do after several years of losing soldiers to roadside bombs?"

Apparently it is, according to the military. A fresh round of testing will begin later this year.

The Air Force Experiments

PETA has obtained sickening video footage of another series of Taser experiments, which were funded by the Pentagon's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) through the Department of Defense (DoD). The JNLWD commissioned the Air Force Research Laboratory to "evaluate the behavioral effectiveness" of Taser's products at Brooks Air Force Base in Texas.

Here are the chilling details of one Taser experiment on 11 pigs:

Each pig was initially exposed to the output of one of five randomly selected TASER-like devices for 15 seconds. There was a minimum rest period of 45 hours between succeeding exposures .... The initial exposures were accomplished while the pigs were pressing a panel for a food reward. After the second exposure, independent of the devices they were exposed to, the pigs refused to approach the bar and food well. Therefore, the test chamber was reconfigured; the panel press apparatus and food well were replaced with a bowl that contained food. After the third exposure, the pigs refused to approach the food bowl and vigorously resisted entering the test chamber.

Látogatás a vörös terror birodalmába - Képek a gulágról és a kommunista terrorról

Kattintsd a képre
Amint felnyitjuk a szemét, egyből eszébe fog jutni, hogy mennyit ártott a szovjethatalomnak és a pártnak a tudományos kutatóintézetben a nyavalyás kibernetikájával, ez a mocsok...

2009. április 7., kedd

Ramallah Underground


Vannak olyan zenei alkotások, amelyeket kábé akkor hallgatok, ha valami különösebb okom van rá. Van így - az ember nagy szplínében csak úgy matat a világhálón. Ha ez valamelyest célirányosan történik nem oly’ nehéz kisebb kincsekre bukkanni. Az alább ismertetésre kerülő alkotó gárda ilyen élménnyel tett gazdagabbá.

A Ramallah Underground a palesztinai Ramallah városkában született. Pár kábel, egy kis villany, zenei érzék, valamint a szándék, hogy olyan körökbe is eljuthassanak palesztin fiatalok üzenetei, ahová eddig nem, megteremtett egy új műfajt.

A formációt létrehozók így csempészik a nyugati elektronikus, hip-hop, trip-hop és downtempo világába saját, helyi zenei hagyományaikat. Talán mert az arab fiatalok is élvezettel hallgatnak, és készítenek nyugati zenét, ha azt megfelelő módon formálták át a saját ízlésüknek megfelelően. És tegyük hozzá, a világ fiataljai nem csupán nyitottak palesztinai impulzusokra, de kifejezetten várják azokat!

E közösség –gyártásvezetők (producerek) és emszík (MC-k)– glóbuszunk távoli tájain (Libanon, Egyesült Királyság, Svájc, Olaszo., Egybesült Amcsi., Franciao.,…etc.) működő zenészeivel dolgoznak együtt. Felléptek többek között Ramallah, Betlehem, Bécs, London, Kairó, Lausanne, Amszterdam, Washington D.C. klubjainak deszkáin. Koncertjeik többnyire a hip-hop trekkjeiken alapulnak, a bemelegítőt elektronikus zenéikből válogatják.

Dallamviláguk és szövegeik a gyarmatosítóik elleni dacról, a miattuk elszenvedett gyötrelmeikről szólnak.


A számok ingyenesen letölthetőek honlapjukról:


MySpace oldaluk: http://www.myspace.com/rucollective
Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/music/Ramallah+Underground

Írta: Rácz Tibor

Húsvét - Easter 2009


© by Eduardo Rozsa Flores, 2009


Secret Report Reveals Role of Medical Personnel in Torture at CIA Black Sites

by Liliana Segura, AlterNet

The report describes "three principal roles" played by medical professionals, including "monitoring the ongoing ill-treatment" of prisoners.

Medical professionals working for the CIA played a central role in the "ill-treatment" of terror suspects in U.S. custody overseas, according to a previously confidential report by the International Committee of the Red Cross. The 2007 report describes interviews with 14 "high value detainees" who were transferred to Guantanamo Bay in September 2006, revealing the full extent of complicity and participation by medical personnel in a wide and grisly range of torture methods inflicted upon them. Listed in the table of contents of the 41-page report, these methods included "suffocation by water," "prolonged stress standing," "beatings by use of a collar," "beating and kicking," "confinement in a box," "prolonged nudity," and more.

The ICRC report describes "three principal roles" played by medical professionals in the torture of prisoners in U.S. custody. "Firstly, there was a direct role in monitoring the ongoing ill-treatment which, in some instances, involved the health personnel directly participating while certain methods were used."

Secondly, there was a role in performing a medical check just prior to, and just after,each transfer. Finally, there was the provision of healthcare, to treat both the direct consequences of ill-treatment detailed in previous sections, and to treat any natural ailments that arose during the prolonged periods of detention.

According to the report, which was obtained by journalist Mark Danner -- who first published excerpts last month and has now published its full contents on the website of the New York Review of Books -- certain methods required more active participation by medical professions. For example, in subjecting prisoners to "suffocation by water," "it was alleged that health personnel actively monitored a detainee's oxygen saturation using what, from the description of the detainee of a device placed over the finger, appeared to be a pulse oxymeter."

"Mr. Khaled Shaik Mohammed alleged that on several occasions the suffocation method was stopped on the intervention of a health person who was present in the room each time this procedure was used."

KSM, one of the few prisoners who the U.S. government has actually acknowledged having waterboarding, described his experience to ICRC staff.

I would be strapped to a special bed, which can be rotated into a vertical position. A cloth would be placed over my face. Water was then poured onto the cloth by one of the guards so that I could not breathe. This obviously could only be done for one or two minutes at a time. The cloth was then removed and the bed was put into a vertical position. The whole process was then repeated during about 1 hour.

Abu Zubaydah, whose torture has also been widely documented, described it as follows:

I was put on what looked like a hospital bed, and strapped down very tightly with belts. A black cloth was then placed over my face and the interrogators used a mineral water bottle to pour water on the cloth so that I could not breathe. After a few minutes the cloth was removed and the bed was rotated into an upright position. The pressure of the straps on my wounds caused severe pain. I vomited. The bed was then again lowered to a horizontal position and the same torture carried out with the black cloth over my face and water poured on from a bottle. On this occasion my head was in a more backward, downwards position and the water was poured on for a longer time. I struggled without success to breathe. I thought I was going to die. I lost control of my urine. Since then I still lose control of my urine when under stress.

The conclusion by the ICRC was that the interrogation of prisoners at U.S. "black sites" certainly "constituted torture." But additionally, "the alleged participation of health personnel in the interrogation process and, either directly or indirectly, in the infliction of ill-treatment constituted a gross breach of medical ethics and, in some cases, amounted to participation in torture and/or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment."

Indeed, the presence of medical professionals seemed itself to augment the psychological torture. "One detainee,who did not wish his name to be transmitted to the authorities, alleged that a health person threatened that medical care would be conditional upon cooperation with the interrogators." Another recalled being told: "I look after your body only because we need you for information."

Liliana Segura is a staff writer and editor of AlterNet's Rights and Liberties and War on Iraq Special Coverage.

Now, who is the idiot?

Apparently Lockheed Martin is working on a new defense against Ideology, called the Logic Bomb. When used, it will blow their mind.

Changing the rules of war

George Bisharat, The Electronic Intifada, 2 April 2009

Palestinians pray next to the bodies of seven members
of the Salha family who were killed during Israel's attacks
on the Gaza Strip, 9 January. (Wissam Nassar/MaanImages)

The extent of Israel's brutality against Palestinian civilians in its 22-day pounding of the Gaza Strip is gradually surfacing. Israeli soldiers are testifying to lax rules of engagement tantamount to a license to kill. One soldier commented: "That's what is so nice, supposedly, about Gaza: You see a person on a road, walking along a path. He doesn't have to be with a weapon, you don't have to identify him with anything and you can just shoot him."

What is less appreciated is how Israel is also brutalizing international law, in ways that may long outlast the demolition of Gaza.

Since 2001, Israeli military lawyers have pushed to reclassify military operations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip from the law enforcement model mandated by the law of occupation to one of armed conflict. Under the former, soldiers of an occupying army must arrest, rather than kill, opponents, and generally must use the minimum force necessary to quell disturbances.

While in armed conflict, a military is still constrained by the laws of war -- including the duty to distinguish between combatants and civilians, and the duty to avoid attacks causing disproportionate harm to civilian persons or objects -- the standard permits far greater uses of force.

Israel pressed the shift to justify its assassinations of Palestinians in the occupied territories, which clearly violated settled international law. Israel had practiced "targeted killings" since the 1970s -- always denying that it did so -- but had recently stepped up their frequency, by spectacular means (such as air strikes) that rendered denial futile.

Former US President Bill Clinton charged the 2001 Mitchell Committee with investigating the causes of the second Palestinian uprising and recommending how to restore calm in the region. Israeli lawyers pleaded their case to the committee for armed conflict. The committee responded by criticizing the blanket application of the model to the uprising, but did not repudiate it altogether.

Today, most observers -- including Amnesty International -- tacitly accept Israel's framing of the conflict in Gaza as an armed conflict, as their criticism of Israel's actions in terms of the duties of distinction and the principle of proportionality betrays. This shift, if accepted, would encourage occupiers to follow Israel's lead, externalizing military control while shedding all responsibilities to occupied populations.

Israel's campaign to rewrite international law to its advantage is deliberate and knowing. As the former head of Israel's 20-lawyer International Law Division in the Military Advocate General's office, Daniel Reisner, recently stated: "If you do something for long enough, the world will accept it. The whole of international law is now based on the notion that an act that is forbidden today becomes permissible if executed by enough countries ... International law progresses through violations. We invented the targeted assassination thesis and we had to push it. At first there were protrusions that made it hard to insert easily into the legal molds. Eight years later, it is in the center of the bounds of legitimacy."

In the Gaza fighting, Israel has again tried to transform international law through violations. For example, its military lawyers authorized the bombing of a police cadet graduation ceremony, killing at least 63 young Palestinian men. Under international law, such deliberate killings of civilian police are war crimes. Yet Israel treats all employees of the Hamas-led government in the Gaza Strip as terrorists, and thus combatants. Secretaries, court clerks, housing officials, judges -- all were, in Israeli eyes, legitimate targets for liquidation.

Israeli jurists also instructed military commanders that any Palestinian who failed to evacuate a building or area after warnings of an impending bombardment was a "voluntary human shield" and thus a participant in combat, subject to lawful attack. One method of warning employed by Israeli gunners, dubbed "knocking on the roof," was to fire first at a building's corner, then, a few minutes later, to strike more structurally vulnerable points. To imagine that Gazan civilians -- penned into the tiny Gaza Strip by Israeli troops, and surrounded by the chaos of battle -- understood this signal is fanciful at best.

Israel has a lengthy history of unpunished abuses of international law -- among the most flagrant its decades-long colonization of the West Bank. To its credit, much of the world has refused to ratify Israel's violations. Unfortunately, our government is an exception, having frequently provided diplomatic cover for Israel's abuses. Our diplomats have vetoed 42 UN Security Council resolutions to shelter Israel from the consequences of its often illegal behavior.

We must break that habit now, or see international law perverted in ways that can harm us all. Our government has already been seduced to follow, in Afghanistan and elsewhere, Israel's example of targeted killings. This policy alienates civilians, innocently killed and wounded in these crude strikes, and deepens the determination of enemies to harm us by any means possible.

We do not want civilian police in the United States to be bombed, nor to have anyone "knock on our roofs." For our own sakes and for the world's, Israel's impunity must end.

George Bisharat is a professor of law at Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco, and writes frequently on law and politics in the Middle East. This article originally appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle and is republished with the author's permission.

2009. április 6., hétfő

Kép mára


Idézet mára - The quote for today

A zsidók félelemben élnek. Tizenkilenc évszázad keresztényi szeretet tönkretette az idegeiket.

Israel Zangwill

Rabbi Shlomo Köves



Anarchists...so what?!




Orwell in our side


Libertad de disentir


The right to rebell




2009. április 5., vasárnap

Дроздовцы.Марш дроздовского полка

Fiam: Menj, és ments meg a Hazát!
A bolsevistákkal szembeszálló fehér ellenforradalmárok indulója, a Drozdovci

A dallam ismerős lehet, a vörös gazemberek ugyanis egyszerűen ellopták és átírták, így lett belőle „Amuri partizánok dala”. Az eredeti azonban ez.

A Doni kozákok (Szergej Zsarov vezetésével), a Fekete-tengeri kozákok lemezein további ópuszok hallhatók, felemelőek. Pl. Rekviem a fehér hadsereg harcosaiért. Ezek legálisan kaphatóak, végre.
Ajánlott irodalom a témában: Gosztonyi Péter: Vlaszov tábornok c. könyve, Józef Maczkiewicz: Kontra. Egy biztos: az, amit máig tanítanak a magyar iskolákban a bolsevik forradalomról az enyhén szólva hazugság. Részigazságok, kitalációk tömege, dezinformáció, nem információ!

Az orosz-pravoszláv egyházi énekek is toronymagasan körözik le minden jellemző paraméter összehasonlítása után a meglehetősen egysíkú és unalmas gregoriánokat – másfajta egyházi énekekről nem is szólva…
A nagy zeneszerzőknek természetesen vannak csodás alkotásai (pl. Ave Maria ciklus…)

(Mivel igazi, ősi magyar egyházi énekeket nem ismerünk – illetve igen, népdal szintjén, vagy gyermekdal szintjén /süss fel Nap, Bújj-bújj zöld ág, stb./, melyek természetesen szintén egyedülállóak és gyönyörűek – ezért elfogulatlannak tekintem magam fenti állítások vonatkozásában! J

A Fehér Hadsereg korabeli plakátja (A vörös alak: Lev Davidovics Bronstein, alias Trocky)

Sürgős felhívás - Urgent Appeal


Felhívás a Hamasz Európai terrorszervezetek listájáról való törlésére

A 2009 júniusi európai parlamenti választások alkalmából egy sürgős felszólítást intézünk mind a 736 parlamenti szék jelöltjéhez.
Arra kérjük őket, hogy vonják vissza minden feltétel nélkül a Hamasz, és az összes palesztin felszabadító szervezetet az európai terrorszervezetek listájáról.
Felszólítjuk az Európai Uniót, hogy ismerje el a palesztin nép önrendelkezési jogát. Ez magában foglalja a Hamasz, mint jogos nemzeti felszabadító mozgalom elismerését.

On the occasion of the June 2009 European elections, we are launching an urgent appeal to all candidates for the 736 seats in the European parliament.
We ask that they actively pursue the immediate and unconditional removal of Hamas and all other Palestinian liberation organizations from the European list of proscribed terrorist organizations. We further ask that they acknowledge the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and, by so doing, recognise, Hamas as a legitimate voice for the Palestinian people's aspirations for national liberation.

Click on sign the petition

Appeal remove Hamas from EU Terror list launched

In this commemoration of the Land Day, symbol of the Palestinian resistance, the call for the withdrawal of Hamas fom the European list of the terrorist organizations, launched on February 1st, 2009 in Brussels, received the support of 1 200 signatories. Among them, 275 personalities of the academic, literary, artistic and militant of the Palestinian cause fields. The signatories emanate from 22 of 27 countries of the European Union and from 40 countries outside the European Union, representing all the continents.

The call is sent to the candidates for the election of the European Parliament which will be held on June 7th, 2009. Very known personalities in the European arena, as Jose Saramago and Mairead Maguire, Nobel prize, Henri Alleg and his wife Gilberte, Francois Houtart, Tariq Ramadan, Gilad Atzmon, Yvonne Ridley, Domenico Losurdo, Giulietto Chiesa, Norman Finkelstein, James Petras, Christine Delphy, Dyab Abou Jahjah, Daniel Bensa"id, Tariq Ali, Virginia Tilley, Gretta Duisenberg have expressed their support to the initiative.

Till the European elections which are held on June 7th, 2009, the first goal of the www.recogniseresistance.net website is to go on collecting endorsements on a wide scale. It also allows the signatories to express their motivation and to consult articles dedicated to the Palestinian resistance.

The call will be officially communicated to the top candidates for the European elections at the beginning of May and their answers will be published on the website.