2009. január 17., szombat

Már a vak is látja...

Pro-cionista tüntetők valahol a világon.
A kerítésen lévő felirat szövege:
Míg egész Gáza nem lesz megsemmisítve,
addig a munkának nincsen vége!

Azonnali gázai tűzszünetre szólította fel a harcoló feleket az ENSZ-közgyűlés. A határozatot elsöprő többséggel fogadták el. A palesztin küldött köszönetet mondott, a cionista állam képviselője viszont helytelennek és szabályellenesnek tartotta a döntést.

Forrás: index.hu és

Oh, those dear childrens from Palestine....

Justice and Peace for the childrens of Palestine!

2009. január 16., péntek

Participate in the Holy war against crime

I received the following message, please read it:

I am hundreds of miles away and ask but one thing of you. I don't want your money all I ask is for your Dua for us in Palestine and Lebanon and if you have never forwarded an email before, please help us by forwarding this One. I will make Dua for you and all those who forward this email and for all Of the Ummah Of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam)


Az amcsik eladnak bennünket az oroszoknak!!

Terjesszétek a következő cikket, legalul összefoglaló magyarul!

Russia Can Be Part of the Answer on Iran

(Eredeti itt - wall street journal)

June 3, 2008; Page A19

Last month, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that Iran was installing an additional 6,000 centrifuges at Iran's main nuclear enrichment complex. The Bush administration in turn needs to use every diplomatic tool in its arsenal to halt Tehran's development of nuclear weapons.

While the military option can never be taken off the table, most experts admit it would be unlikely to succeed. Because Iran has dispersed its nuclear facilities and buried some deep underground, an air strike will at best slow down, without preventing, its eventual creation of nuclear weapons. A military occupation might do so, but there are less costly solutions available.

Those solutions begin with understanding the fundamental instability of Iran's theocratic dictatorship. Iran is not a homogenous country. It is home to several major and traditionally competitive ethnic groups – Persians, Azeris, Kurds and Arabs. The predominant Iranian culture is mild and secular, not prone to religious fanaticism. Iranians have a great affinity for Western goods and ideas. Satellite TV is illegal in Iran, but there are an estimated five million satellite dishes in Iranian households. The most popular television station is not Al Jazeera nor even CNN, but MTV.

Most importantly, Iran is considerably younger, more educated and more middle class than its neighbors. More than two-thirds of the population is under 30, and the literacy rate is 79%. Women make up half of all incoming university students. Iran's average income far exceeds its neighbors. The growing middle class treasures economic success above political or religious rights, and they measure the success of the current regime on an economic scale.

This dynamic creates an opportunity. Economic sanctions could cause the Iranian government to negotiate seriously with us, and might, over time, topple the theocracy. In fact, the mildest of economic sanctions – a boycott of Iranian banks by U.S. and European central banks – has already produced an economic slowdown, and unrest among Iranians.

Stronger economic sanctions could produce more effective results. To work, these sanctions would require the cooperation of the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China. The U.S. and Britain have always backed tougher action; Germany and France are also now on board. The Chinese may go along if everyone else will. That leaves Russia and its prime minister, Vladimir Putin. Thus far, it is Russia that has blocked more effective economic sanctions.

There are three reasons. First, Russia has a longstanding, close relationship with Iran and regards itself as Iran's protector. Second, the Russian economy benefits from its relationship with Iran by several billion dollars a year. Third and most important is leverage. Mr. Putin is an old-fashioned nationalist who seeks to regain the power and greatness Russia had before the fall of the Soviet Union. Russia's relationship with Iran is a key point of leverage over the West that he will not relinquish easily.

To bring Putin's Russia on board we must make it an offer it cannot refuse. The offer has three parts.

First, we must treat Russia as an equal partner when it comes to policy in the Caspian Sea region, recognizing Russia's traditional role in the region. Second, we must offer to make Russia whole if it joins in our Iranian boycott and forgoes trade revenues with Iran. That will cost the U.S. roughly $2 billion to $3 billion a year, about what we spend in Iraq each week. Third, we should tell Mr. Putin we will cease building the ineffective antinuclear missile defense sites in Eastern Europe in return for him joining the boycott.

Two years ago, under NATO auspices, Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania agreed to build an antimissile defense site to thwart the threat of a nuclear missile attack by Iran. The threat is hypothetical and remote, and the Bush administration's emphasis on pursuing the antimissile system, without Russia's cooperation, still baffles many national security experts.

It also drives Mr. Putin to apoplexy. The antimissile system strengthens the relationship between Eastern Europe and NATO, with real troops and equipment on the ground. It mocks Mr. Putin's dream of eventually restoring Russian hegemony over Eastern Europe.

Dismantling the antimissile site, economic incentives and creation of a diplomatic partnership in the region – in exchange for joining an economic boycott of Iran – is an offer Mr. Putin would find hard to refuse. It is our best hope to avoid a nuclear Iran, because a successful economic boycott would certainly force the Iranian regime to heed Western demands more than anything attempted so far.

Mr. Schumer is a Democratic senator from New York.

Fenti cikk lényegében arról szól, hogy az USA gazdaságilag bojkott alá akarja vetni Iránt. Ehhez már Anglia hozzájárult, Németország és Franciaország hajlik rá, Kína elképzelhető, már csak Oroszországot kéne meggyőzni. A legnagyobb probléma, hogy Oroszország gazdaságilag eléggé kötődik Iránhoz, ezért elég nagy kereskedelmi kiesés lenne számára egy bojkott. Egy amerikai szenátor szerint (nevezzük csak szarházinak), ezt USA kompenzálhatná anyagilag is, és azzal, hogy Kelet Európát újra orosz fennhatóság alá helyeznék, leszerelnék a NATO radarokat, rakétaelhárító bázisokat stb. Putyin ezt valószínűleg nem tudná visszautasítani, hisz amúgy is ezen munkálkodik:
a hajdani szovjet hegemóniát szeretné visszaállítani miközben a NATO Kelet európai térnyerése, rettenetesen piszkálja is a csőrét.

Saját kommentár: úgy tűnik, hogy a NATO dokumentumokon szereplő magyar (és többi Kelet európai) aláírás csak dísz, komolyan nem kell venni, mert adnak, vesznek minket, mint a Monopolyban.
Arra sohasem számíthatunk, hogy a konfrontálódó nagy nemzetek a kis nemzetek érdekeit figyelembe veszik. Egy percig sem szabad viszont úgy gondolnunk, hogy ha az USA a kelet európai kártyát elcseréli egy Iránira, akkor mi feltétlenül rosszabbul járunk.
Véleményem szerint, egész Kelet Európának ki kéne lépnie az EU-ból és a NATO-bol, és megalakítani egy saját gazdasági közösséget. A Nyugat mindig is mostohagyermekeként és fejősteheneként fog minket kezelni. Egyelőre nem veszik észre, hogy Kelet Európa nélkül elég hamar romba dőlne az egész EU...

Legjobb lenne függetlennek lenni, de ahhoz túl középen van az országunk, és túl jó a földünk...

De, ki tudja, végül is az egész hit és akarat kérdése csupán...

Baranyai András: Sztálingrád, Demjanszk, Vukovár.....Gáza???

A Hamasz visszalő, az izraeli tankok már vagy 10 napja külvárosban állnak és lőnek. A hős, jól kiképzett, technikai fölényben lévő, felszabadító, önvédelmet biztosító, békefenntartó, stb. izraeli egységek MÉG MINDIG NEM TUDNAK BEJUTNI GÁZÁBA! Libanonból rakéták, Egyiptomból még mindig ellátás, Ciszjordániában cionista harcjárműveket támadnak meg!!!
Irán egyre hangosabb. Venezuela meglépi azt, amit már régen minden jóérzésű európai politikusnak is meg kellett volna: kiutasítja az agresszív izraeli pereputtyot országából.
De európában (így kisbetűvel) nincsenek EURÓPAI (így nagybetűvel) politikusok!!!
Összekacsintás, forró kézfogások, háháhá becsaptuk Condit - Olmert ejakulál rajta
Livni szülei cionista terrorszervezet alapítói, Barak családja a Moszad könyékig vérben tocsogó megtorlószervezetének élharcosai, az izraeli családok a dombról NÉZIK A HÁBORÚT, MELYBEN 1100 ÁRTATLAN HALT MEG!

Nézik, ahogyan az agresszor aknáitól, fehérfoszforos lövedékeitől meghalt állapotos anyát viszik a túlzsúfolt, ostromlott kórházba. A kisgyermek is halott: egy repeszdarab az anyja hasán átfúródva ölte meg! Át lehet látni szerencsétlen, hat hónapos, fél kilós csecsemőn! Szerintük ez nem baj: "Vannak áldozatok, de ez nem nagy probléma. A gyerekeinknek is látniuk kell, hogyan üt vissza hadseregünk az agresszornak!" Annak az agresszornak, amely egy Fél-negyed Balatonnyi területen él másfél milliomod,... bocsánat, már csak egymillió négyszázkilencven kilencezred magával!! A világ legsűrűbben lakott menekülttábora!
És a Hamasz...a nyugatiak, az európaiak, a gazdag arabok és még ki tudja kik szerinti terrorszervezet, amely mit csinál ejnye-bejnye??? VISSZALŐ! Még ilyet???

Annak idején a vadászpuskákkal és kézifegyverekkel felszerelt horvátokat és bosnyákokat is szeparatistáknak és terroristáknak tartották mindenhol! És miért? Mert megvédték, mi az övék! Harcoltak az erősebb, a gőgösebb, a MEGSZÁLLÓ ellen!

De valami csoda születőben... a város kitart! A romok alól minden egyes bomba után egy kéz nyúl ki zöld és palesztin zászlót tartva! Nem adjuk fel, ne adjátok fel! És ne felejtkezzetek el róluk!

Forrás: Andris politikai naplója

Israel bombs UN agency headquarters in Gaza City

Interview, The Electronic Intifada

The Electronic Intifada interviewed Sami Mushasha, spokesperson for the UN agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) following Israel's bombing of its quarters today.

The Electronic Intifada: Can you describe the extent of the damage suffered by UNRWA in the bombing of the headquarters today and exactly where the site is that was bombed?

Sami Mushasha: The UNRWA headquarters are in the al-Rimal district in the center of Gaza City. The location is well known to the Israeli authorities as is the fact that they enjoy UN immunity. The damage is great. Although we do not know the exact extent yet, we have lost many trucks, cars and food aid supplies.

We are trying to put out the fires and hopefully, God willing, we will be able to restore things as soon as possible.

Early reports say that three people were injured but we do not know if they were refugees [taking shelter there] or UNRWA personnel.

EI: Today's bombing of the UNRWA office was the third time a UN institution was hit in two weeks. What is your response to this bombing?

SM: This is not the first, second, or even third time. In fact there have been about six or seven bombings of UNRWA sites and the latest is the bombing of the UNRWA headquarters. This is our main site which has our main offices and warehouses.

It was targeted when there were about 750 women, children and men -- all civilians [taking shelter there]. There is no safe place, not for UNRWA or for those who use its services.

We had previously received guarantees relating to the freedom of movement and safe corridors for delivering aid, but these have not been respected. This is a very dangerous signal for those who seek UNRWA's assistance.

At this moment we are trying to put out the fire [from the bombing], but it has already destroyed much of the food supplies that we were able to bring into Gaza.

We were barely able to put out fire near the fuel storage tanks before they could explode. This all impacts very negatively on our ability to protect civilians.

This underscores once more the UN's call for an immediate ceasefire so that we can provide assistance to an area that has suffered a catastrophe, to say the very least.

EI: There has been talk of suspending UNRWA services in Gaza. Is this true?

SM: We have not suspended services but most of our trucks are inside the UNRWA site that was bombed and we are unable to move them to Karem Abu Salem [Kerem Shalom crossing with Israel] so that they can receive aid supplies and distribute them.

So a suspension has effectively been imposed on us, but we want to restore services as soon as we are able.

This testimony was obtained by The Electronic Intifada correspondent in Gaza Rami Almeghari with technical assistance from IMEMC.org

2009. január 15., csütörtök

Ki szelet vett...vihart arat...a Hamasz válaszolt!

...sow the wind, and they reap the whirlwind...

Foszforlövedékekkel válaszolt a Hamasz

Foszfortartalmú lövedéket lőtt ki a Hamász szerdán a zsidó államra, a Gázai övezetet uraló palesztin radikális mozgalom először vetett be ilyen fegyvert - közölte a cionista rendőrség. A tájékoztatás szerint az említett lövedék a Gázai övezet és "izrael" határa mentén fekvő Szderót közelében szerda este csapódott be.

A cionisták által kilőtt un. fehér foszfor lővedékek robbanak Gáza felett

A Human Rights Watch (HRW) nemzetközi emberi jogi szervezet azzal vádolja a cionista államot, hogy a nemzetközi jogot megsértve vet be foszfortartalmú tüzérségi lövedékeket a gázai övezet ellen indított genocid támadása során.
Az cionista rendőrség közlésére a HRW képviselője úgy reagált, hogy amennyiben bebizonyosodik, a Hamász valóban használ ilyen lőszert, úgy szervezete azt is élesen elítéli, ahogyan a palesztin mozgalom által Kasszám-rakétákkal és aknagránátokkal a zsidók által megszállt területek ellen intézett egyéb támadásokat is.

A Hamasz pszichológiai hadviselés eszköze: a mai napon SMS-ek tömege érkezett izraeli telefonokra. Az üzenet szövege világos.

A tüzérségi aknák foszfortartalma az oxigénnel reakcióba lépve éjszaka megvilágítja a célpontokat, nappal pedig takarófüstöt hoz létre a szárazföldi alakulatok számára, de tilos ilyen aknák bevetése közvetlenül a harcoló alakulatok ellen nem is beszélve a természetes tilalomról, az ilyen lövedékek civil célpontok elleni alkalmazásáról. A fehér foszfor az emberi bőrrel érintkezve súlyos égési sérüléseket okozhat, a földre kerülve pedig tüzet idézhet elő.

2009. január 14., szerda

üzenet seresnek

Ha valakinek esetleg hiányozna egy kiadós hányás, ajánlóm a következő, egy országos kripli által megírt, naci-szagú, cionista förmedvényt

Seres Laszlo mint cionista propagandista

üzenetem neki,
(merthogy, hja, olvass
ák ők is a blogomat rendszeresen!) :


Guideline for Mideast propagandists - Iránymutatás a Közel-Keletről tudósító propagandistáknak

/English version below/

Iránymutatás a Közel-Keletről tudósító propagandistáknak

1. Mindig az arabok támadnak, Izrael csupán védekezik. A védekezést megtorlásnak is nevezhetik.

2. Sem az araboknak, sem a palesztinoknak, sem a libanoniaknak nincs joguk civileket ölni. Ha megteszik, az terrorizmus.

3. Izraelnek van joga civileket ölni. Ha ilyesmit tesz, akkor azt "jogos védekezésnek" kell nevezni.

4. Ha Izrael tömegesen gyilkol civileket, a nyugatiak arra kérik őt, tegye azt óvatosan. Ezt hívják a "nemzetközi közösség fellépésének".

5. Sem a palesztinoknak, sem a libanoniaknak nincsen joguk izraeli katonákat foglyul ejteni, még harc közben sem. Ha ez mégis megtörténik, azt "védtelen civilek foglyul ejtésének" kell nevezni.

6. Izraelnek viszont joga van ahhoz, hogy annyi palesztint vagy libanonit raboljon el, amennyit csak akar. Jelenleg 10 ezernél is több palesztin van izraeli börtönökben, köztük 300 gyerek és kb. 1000 nő. Fogvatartásukhoz nincs szükség bírósági ítéletre, Izraelnek joga van börtönben tartani bárkit, még a Hamász demokratikus úton megválasztott képviselőit, sőt, minisztereit is. Ugyanis az izraeli börtönökben lévő palesztinok "terroristák".

7. Amikor Hezbollah neve szóba kerül, mellé kell tenni a következő kifejezést: "Irán és Szíria által támogatott szervezet".

8. De ha Izraelt említik, akkor teljes mértékben tilos úgy utalni rá, mint arra az államra, amelyet "az Egyesült Államok pénzel és támogat". Ha ilyesmit írnának le, kiderülne, az arab-izraeli konfliktus egyenlőtlen felek párharca, és Izrael biztonságát a valóságban nem fenyegeti veszély.

9. Izraellel kapcsolatban tilos utalni a "megszállt területekre", "ENSZ-határozatokra", "emberi jogsértésekre" és a "genfi konvencióra".

10. A palesztinok és a libanoniak mindig "gyávák", akik "elbújnak a polgári lakosság közé", amelyet egyébként gyűlölnek. Ha valamely katonai létesítményben alszanak, akkor is "gyávák". Izraelnek természetesen joga van lebombázni ezeket a katonai barakkokat ugyanúgy, ahogy a lakóházakat is, ahol a "terroristák bujkálnak". Az Ilyen akciókat "sebészi pontosságú támadásnak" kell nevezni.

11. Az izraeliek angolul, franciául, spanyolul és portugálul is kiválóan beszélnek, jobban, mint az arabok. Ezért aztán izraeli hivatalos személyekkel kell interjút készíteni. Legalább 10-szer olyan gyakran kell szót adni nekik a médiában, mint az araboknak. Ezt pedig a "média semlegességének" kell nevezni.

12. Bárki, aki a fentebb felsorolt szabályokkal nem ért egyet, "kirívóan veszélyes antiszemita terrorista".

(fpp.co.uk) Fordította: Perge Ottó

Guideline for Mideast correspondents/propagandists

# In the Middle East, the Arabs always attack first and Israel always defends itself. This defense is called 'retaliation'.

# Neither Arabs, Palestinians nor Lebanese have the right to kill civilians. This is 'terrorism'.
# Israel has the right to kill civilians. This is called 'legitimate defense'.

# When Israel massively kills civilians, the Western Powers ask to her do it with courtesy or politeness. This is called 'reaction of the international community'.

# Neither Palestinians nor Lebanese have the right to capture Israeli soldiers inside military installations with sentry and combat positions. This has to be called 'kidnapping of defenceless civilians'.

# Israel has the right to kidnap as many Palestinians or Lebanese as they wish and at any time or place. Their present figures are about 10,000 imprisoned, 300 of whom are children and one thousand women. They do not need any evidence about their culpability. Israel has the right to detain such kidnapped prisoners indefinitely, even if they are people democratically elected by Palestinians. This is called 'imprisonment of terrorists'.

# Whenever the word 'Hizbollah' is mentioned, it is compulsory to add in the same phrase 'supported and financed by Syria and Iran'.

# When 'Israel' is mentioned it is absolutely forbidden to add 'supported and financed by the United States' This could give the impression that the conflict is uneven and that Israel's existence of is not after all at risk.

# In any statement about Israel, any mention of the following phrases is to be avoided: 'occupied territories', 'UN resolutions', 'Human Rights violations' or 'Geneva Convention'.

# Palestinians, as well as Lebanese, always are 'cowards' hiding behind a civil population that dislike them. If they sleep in military accommodation with their families, this has a name: 'cowardice'. Israel is entitled to annihilate with bombs and missiles such barracks where they sleep. This is to be called a 'surgical, high-precision action'.

# Israelis speak English, French, Spanish or Portuguese better than the Arabs. That is why they deserve to be interviewed more frequently and have better opportunities to explain to the audience at large the above rules, from 1 to 10. This is called 'media neutrality'.

# Any person in disagreement with the above rules is to be branded a "highly dangerous anti-Semitic terrorist'.

Jews in Solidarity with Palestine


Sign the Statement | View list of Signers

Stop the U.S.-backed genocidal Israeli war on Gaza!

• Nearly a thousand women, men and children killed by U.S.-made Israeli bombs
• Thousands more wounded
• 1.5 million under siege for the past 18 months, without food, water, medicine, fuel
• Collective punishment for resisting occupation; emergency aid blocked
• Massive violations of international law
• Apartheid wall
• Racist oppression
• Homes and land stolen
• Forced into refugee camps
• 60 years of occupation, from the river to the sea

We Say Enough!

We Are
Jews in Solidarity with Palestine

No to Israel! Yes To Self-Determination, Democracy & Freedom!
Stop U.S. Funding of the War on Palestine!

Free Palestine

The whole world is horrified by the murderous Israeli assault against the suffering people of Gaza. From Seoul to Caracas, from Johannesburg to Amman to London, millions of people have poured into the streets to demand an end to this genocidal campaign, which is funded by the United States and carried out with U.S.-supplied weaponry.

There have also been protests in U.S. cities. While most of those marching are Arab-Americans, many African Americans, Latinos, Asian-Americans and whites have joined in. Many Jewish people, outraged at Israel's war crimes and anguished that they are carried out in their name, are speaking out.

It's good that Jewish people of conscience are disassociating themselves from the Gaza aggression. But it's not enough. This atrocity is only the latest, and it's no aberration. It reflects the program of the Israeli settler state—which is based on the theft of Palestine, the ouster and suppression of the Palestinian people, and the racist ideology of Zionism—and of its primary sponsor, the Pentagon and U.S. business establishment.

It's not enough to oppose the bombing. It's not enough to demand an end to the 41-year occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. We stand in complete and unconditional support for the self-determination of the Palestinian people. This includes the right to return to Palestine, from the river to the sea, and the right to democratically determine the form and the future of the Palestinian state.

Nothing less will undo the historic crime of al Nakba—the 1948 catastrophe of the establishment of the state of Israel based on the ouster of the Palestinian people from their homeland, oppression and inequality.

That crime betrayed the whole history of the Jewish people. From helping topple the czar in Russia and build the unions in New York, to resisting pogroms and fighting to the last breath in the Warsaw Ghetto, opposition to persecution, oppression and racism was central to the Jewish heritage.

We call on Jewish people around the world, including those inside Israel, to join us in reclaiming that heritage. Reject racism and genocide. Reject the Zionist state, the very concept of which is racist to the core. Take the hand of our Palestinian sisters and brothers. Defend their righteous struggle to restore their stolen land and build a democratic Palestine.

This is not an impossible quest. Remember how mighty the settler state in South Africa seemed, only a little over two decades ago? The racist regime there was buttressed by U.S.—and Israeli—support. But it was battered by the unstoppable political and military struggle against apartheid, which gained worldwide support. Apartheid fell, replaced by a new state based on legal equality.

A future of equality for all is possible in Palestine too. Until this future is won, the Palestinian struggle will go on. We stand with that struggle.

Initial list of signers:

Toni Arenstein, NY
Dave Axelrod, NJ
Tibby Brooks, NY
Ellen Catalinotto, NY
Sara Catalinotto, NY
Hillel Cohen, Doctor of Public Health, NY
Naomi Cohen, NY
Heather Cottin, Long Island Troops Out Now Coalition, NY
Barbara Dorritie, Teacher, MA
Ellie Dorritie, ret., APWU*, WNY
Rachel Duell, prof., NJ
K. E. Durkin, NY
Sharon Eolis, nurse-practitioner, ret., NY
Shelley Ettinger, NY
Leslie Feinberg, Co-founder, Rainbow Flags for Mumia, NY
Irving Fierstein, artist, NY
Laurie Fierstein, NY
Michele Finkelman, AFSCME L. 215*, NY
Sherry Finkelman, UFT L. 2*, NY
Julie Fry, V-P., Assn. of Legal Aid Attorneys*, NY
Gavrielle Gemma, NJ
Michael Gimbel, del., NYC Central Labor Council*
Carl Glenn, NJ
Jerome Goldberg, attorney. MI
Marsha Goldberg, NY
Fred Goldstein. NY
Lila Goldstein, Students for Justice for Palestine*, MA
Judy Greenspan, CA
Sue Harris, Ph.D., NY
Joyce Kanowitz, NY
Stevan Kirschbaum, chair, Grievance Comm., USW L. 8751*, MA
Tova Klein, CA
Michael Kramer, I.D.F. veteran, Veterans for Peace, Chap. 021*, NJ
Donna Lazarus, UFT*, NJ
Milt Neidenberg, ret., Teamsters L. 840*, NJ
Frank Neisser, CWA L. 1701, ret.*, MA
Cornelia Rakow, NY
Arthur Rosen, NY
Anita Rosenblithe, AFT*, NY
Malcolm Sacks, Montreal
William Sacks, attorney, NY
Karina Mellos-Schechter. NY
Dave Schechter, NY
Susan Schnur, Transit Union L. 268*, OH
J.R. Singer, Ph.D., NY
David Sole, Pres., UAW L. 2334*, MA
Al Strasburger, NJ
Paul Teitelbaum, International Action Center, AZ
Jill White, EdD, IL
Eddie Yood, NY

*For purposes of identification only.

Cipők, cipők...Oh, ezek a gyönyörű cipők...(2)

Ki mondta volna…
Egy pár cipó ha bevonul a történelembe, akkor bevonul a történelembe… George W. Bush viszont mehet az őt megillető helyre: a történelem szemet kosarába…

Muntader al-Zaidi:
"This is a gift from the Iraqis; this is the farewell kiss, you dog!" Ez egy ajandek az irakiaktol, ez a bucsucsok, te kutya!

Iraqi Shoe-Hurling Journalist Said to Ask for Pardon


In a letter addressed to the prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, the reporter apologized for the incident, calling it an “ugly action,” an Iraqi government official said.

December 19, 2008


Say Whatever You Want, but No Throwing Shoes


A man protesting the M.T.A.'s planned fare increases was dragged out of a meeting by police officers who feared he was about to throw a shoe at the authority's chief executive.

December 18, 2008


Tumult in Iraqi Parliament Over Shoe


A session of the Iraqi Parliament erupted in an uproar on Wednesday as the continuing detention of an Iraqi reporter who threw his shoes at President Bush was hotly debated.

December 18, 2008


When a President Is Treated With Disrespect

To the Editor:.

December 17, 2008


Iraqi Shoe-Hurling Journalist to Face Judge on Wednesday

Iraqi Shoe-Hurling Journalist to Face Judge on Wednesday


At the court appearance on Wednesday, a judge is to decide whether to try the journalist, who has become a folk hero in much of the Arab world.

December 17, 2008


In Iraqi’s Shoe-Hurling Protest, Arabs Find a Hero. (It’s Not Bush.)

In Iraqi’s Shoe-Hurling Protest, Arabs Find a Hero. (It’s Not Bush.)


The Iraqi journalist who threw shoes at President Bush has stirred emotions across the Arab world.

December 16, 2008


Iraqi Journalist Hurls Shoes at Bush and Denounces Him on TV as a ‘Dog’

Iraqi Journalist Hurls Shoes at Bush and Denounces Him on TV as a ‘Dog’


President Bush, on his fourth and final trip to Iraq, got a taste of dissent at a Baghdad press event Sunday.

December 15, 2008



Steve Bell award 2009



We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

A song of hope for the Palestinians in Gaza,
composed and performed by Michael Heart

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight

We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Stílus: Erich Von Stroheim

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes...

Erich smoking to the tune of Leo Riesman's "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes"

2009. január 12., hétfő

Shimon Perez, Nobel Peace Laureate


Simon Peresz, Béke Nobel díjas
Simon Perez, Premio Nobel de la Paz

Let the Shministim go!


I support the Shministim and their right to peacefully object to military service. I call for the release of those teenagers who have been jailed for their principled refusal to serve in an army which occupies the Palestinian Territories. The imprisonment of these conscientious objectors is a violation of their human rights and contrary to International Law.

I am inspired by these caring students and their counterparts in Palestine, whose nonviolent resistance to the Occupation points the way to a just peace and security for all people in the region. They are our best hope for the future. I urge you to heed them, and not punish them.

Eduardo Rozsa Flores

We stand with You!
Click on the pictures!